U.N. Resolution 2117 Fails to pass U.S. Senate vote.

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  • rebelsoul
    • Jan 2014
    • 156

    Primaries are coming up so do what you can to support 2A candidates. Vote, donate or at least stop by their next campaign rally. Shake their hand and thank them.
    "When you have to shoot... Shoot! Don't talk." Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez a.k.a. "The Rat".


    • appleseed-kdc

      Its a pity the Florida Sheriffs association isn't on our side.

      They keep opposing attempts to remove previously enacted firearm laws by allowing Open Carry again and permitting carrying firearms in vehicles during evacuations beyond the current laws.


      • appleseed-kdc

        I also note that Rand Paul (a very pale shadow of his father) openly supports McConnell in KY even appearing in commercials and paper advertizing for McConnell.

        He has always been disappointing, but has stabbed the Liberty and Constitutional supporters in the back by backing McConnell against Bevan.


        • appleseed-kdc

          Didn't they swear, as part of their oath, to faithfully uphold and protect the Constitution ?

          "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

          As they are in violation of their sworn oath. Isn't that terms for dismisal and potentional civil and criminal proceedings ?


          • konrado
            • Sep 2011
            • 7

            I support the NRA, I'm an endowment member. This for me is my way to take on the George Soros and Michael Bloombergs of the world. I don't have billions of dollars but when you add my $25-50 up with millions of other members then I can take on the super rich gun grabbers realistically.


            • BluntForceTrauma
              • Feb 2011
              • 3906

              Originally posted by appleseed-kdc View Post
              I also note that Rand Paul . . . backing McConnell against Bevan.
              Rand Paul backed McConnell over Bevan? Seriously? Am I missing something or is something seriously amiss?

              I went to the wall for his dad in Minnesota politics and now his son is in bed with the corrupt establishment? Gawd A'mighty!


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              :: I Drank the Water :: Revelation 21:6 ::

