The pesident is fired up to take away our gun rights

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  • montana
    • Jun 2011
    • 3220

    The pesident is fired up to take away our gun rights

    At a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation awards banquet, President Obama promised to renew his efforts to impose stricter gun control. By Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
  • Deer Hunter

    Screw all of them, Molon Labe!


    • cory
      • Jun 2012
      • 3003

      Stock up.

      I expect the Dems to take seats this midterm election. I wouldn't be surprised if they took back the house.
      "Those who sacrifice liberty for security, deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin


      • Tedward
        • Feb 2013
        • 1717

        Originally posted by cory View Post
        Stock up.

        I expect the Dems to take seats this midterm election. I wouldn't be surprised if they took back the house.
        Looks like th Brass at Midway might start dwindling... I'll be getting my share again...


        • #5
          The democats do not want to take away your gun rights. They want you subjugated. They want you kneeing before them, conquered.

          The democrats never ban anything. They just restrict it such that only their elite buddies have access. After all their lives are worth more than yours.

          If we lose the House in 2014, everything comes to pass.


          • #6
            Republican Ed Feulner of the mis-named Heritage Foundation is the one who talked Republican Ray-Gun into an AW import ban. Ray-Gun also signed the dubiously passed (contested voice vote after midnight without a quorum present) machine gun freeze of '86.

            Let's be loyal to the 2nd Amendment, not to political parties.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Nukes View Post
              Republican Ed Feulner of the mis-named Heritage Foundation is the one who talked Republican Ray-Gun into an AW import ban. Ray-Gun also signed the dubiously passed (contested voice vote after midnight without a quorum present) machine gun freeze of '86.

              Let's be loyal to the 2nd Amendment, not to political parties.
              I remember the AW import ban occurring under the Administration of George H.W. Bush, otherwise known as the "Bush Ban", when Colt stopped putting evil bayonet lugs on AR15A2 Sporter II's, and installing sear blocks into the lower. The 1986 Tiahrt Amendment was a piece of legislation crafted to protect gun owners and manufacturers from Federal overstep. The Dems tacked the new MG ban onto it in the last minutes before being passed. Other than that, it was good legislation, restricting government from keeping records of people's firearms.


              • BjornF16
                • Jun 2011
                • 1825

                The MG ban was a middle of the night amendment with a voice vote that obviously didn't pass…another one of the democrat "in the opinion of the chair…" ramrods.
                LIFE member: NRA, TSRA, SAF, GOA
                Defend the Constitution and our 2A Rights!


                • #9
                  The first AW import ban was an executive order by His Holiness Republican Ray-Gun, as I said, prompted by 'neo-con' Republican Ed Feulner. After years of HK91's being just out of reach, I could finally afford one and the morning news about his action spurred me to buy one (in factory desert camo) as soon as the gun store opened. Purchase of the HK91 spurred me to sell it and buy a FAL (laughing}.

                  LRRPF52, I believe you are thinking of the second AW import ban, the '14 part' legislative action, "the Unsoeld Amendment," named after Democrat Rep. Jolene Unsoeld, not signed by the sion of the Nazi financier.... but by Clintoon (rhymes with spittoon).
                  Last edited by Guest; 09-27-2013, 02:14 AM.


                  • KentuckyBuddha
                    • Oct 2012
                    • 972

                    To be fair they had to do something though to stop rifles with lugs to halt that rash of drive-by bayonettings that was plaguing our land at that time. Just sayin'


                    • BjornF16
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 1825

                      Originally posted by Nukes View Post
                      LRRPF52, I believe you are thinking of the second AW import ban, the '14 part' legislative action, "the Unsoeld Amendment," named after Democrat Rep. Jolene Unsoeld, not signed by the sion of the Nazi financier.... but by Clintoon (rhymes with spittoon).
                      The 1986 FOPA Amendment banning MGs was the "Hughes Amendment", ruled as passed by Rangel in the middle of the night.

                      In the morning hours of April 10, 1986, the House held recorded votes on three amendments to FOPA in Record Vote No's 72, 73, and 74. Recorded Vote 72 was on H.AMDT. 776, an amendment to H.AMDT 770 involving the interstate sale of handguns; while Recorded Vote 74 was on H.AMDT 770, involving primarily the easing of interstate sales and the safe passage provision. Recorded Vote 74 was the controversial Hughes Amendment that called for the banning of machine guns. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), at the time presiding as Chairman over the proceedings, claimed that the "amendment in the nature of a substitute, as amended, was agreed to." However, after the voice vote on the Hughes Amendment, Rangel ignored a plea to take a recorded vote and moved on to Recorded Vote 74 where the Hughes Amendment failed.[6][7] The bill, H.R. 4332, as a whole passed in Record Vote No: 75 on a motion to recommit. Despite the controversial amendment, the Senate, in S.B. 49, adopted H.R. 4332 as an amendment to the final bill. The bill was subsequently passed and signed on May 19, 1986 by President Ronald Reagan to become Public Law 99-308, the Firearms Owners' Protection Act.

                      The "Tiahrt Amendment" was under Clinton.

                      I don't believe that Reagan signed any executive order banning MGs…the FOPA did that with the Hughes Amendment. I suspect some internet blogger levied the "executive order" myth and it has been perpetuated by some erroneously. But I'd be happy to be corrected with evidence of said executive order.

                      Yup…searched database on Reagan's executive orders. Nothing on firearms, guns, machine guns. Pure myth. See
                      Last edited by BjornF16; 09-27-2013, 04:03 AM.
                      LIFE member: NRA, TSRA, SAF, GOA
                      Defend the Constitution and our 2A Rights!


                      • montana
                        • Jun 2011
                        • 3220

                        Originally posted by kentuckybuddha View Post
                        to be fair they had to do something though to stop rifles with lugs to halt that rash of drive-by bayonettings that was plaguing our land at that time. Just sayin'
                        lol +1


                        • #13
                          My mistake. The Purdy shooting occurred when Ray-Gun was a lame duck. Feulner leaned on Ray-Gun and the sion of the Nazi financier followed through with the executive order for the first AW (not MG) import ban.

                          Even in correcting my mistake, the point is still illustrated. Loyalty to the Republican Party is misplaced.

                          Here's an interesting aside to the Purdy shooting. Certain powerful Californians could not afford to have Patrick Purdy discussed. They had to make the gun the issue. If Patrick Purdy himself had become the issue, Purdy's time as a child prostitute would have become more widely known and followup investigation would almost certainly have brought the ring's client list to light.

                          Anyone who wants to follow that lead should start with the the psychological autopsy section of Purdy's official autopsy report. That said, the last person I know who investigated that ring suffered a home arson and theft of stored evidence.

                          Unfortunately the trick was very effective and now it is always about the gun, never the shooter.
                          Last edited by Guest; 09-27-2013, 06:40 AM.


                          • BjornF16
                            • Jun 2011
                            • 1825

                            NOT sign ANY executive order banning weapons importation. The Purdy shooting occurred on January 17, 1989 (days before Reagan left office). It was H.W. Bush who signed the AW importation executive order.

                            The multiple murders at Stockton received national news coverage and spurred calls for regulation of semi-automatic weapons. "Why could Purdy, an alcoholic who had been arrested for such offenses as selling weapons and attempted robbery, walk into a gun shop in Sandy, Oregon, and leave with an AK-47 under his arm?" Time magazine asked. They continued, "The easy availability of weapons like this, which have no purpose other than killing human beings, can all too readily turn the delusions of sick gunmen into tragic nightmares."[1] Purdy was able to purchase the weapons because the judicial system had not convicted him of any crime that prevented him from purchasing firearms. Neither had Purdy been adjudicated mentally ill, another disqualifying factor.[16]
                            In California, measures were taken to first define and then ban assault weapons, resulting in the Roberti-Roos Assault Weapons Control Act of 1989. On the Federal level, Congress struggled with a way to ban weapons like Purdy's aesthetically military-style rifle without being seen to also ban more sporting-looking rifles. Later in 1989, President George H. W. Bush signed an executive order (the Semi-Automatic Assault Rifle Ban) banning importation of assault weapons. The Federal assault weapons ban was enacted in 1994, and expired in 2004. President Bill Clinton signed another executive order in 1994 which banned importation of most firearms and ammunition from China.[17]
                            LIFE member: NRA, TSRA, SAF, GOA
                            Defend the Constitution and our 2A Rights!


                            • #15
                              ONCE AGAIN, I acknowledged, corrected, and explained my mistake:

                              The Purdy shooting occurred when Ray-Gun was a lame duck. Feulner leaned on Ray-Gun and the sion of the Nazi financier followed through with the executive order for the first AW (not MG) import ban.
                              IIRC, The neo-con Feulner was also the agent of influence for the poor demented Reagan's later letter.

                              If you read Anatoly Golitsin's two books, The Perestroika Deception and New Lies for Old, you will have good evidence that the "turn around," the convergence of Crony Capitalism and Communism under the same banksters and "oligarchs," precisely what we suffer globally today, was planned with the cooperation of the KGB Directorate since the 1950's. Before his dementia took hard hold (MCI, Minimal Cognitive Impairment, strikes early in Alzheimer's), Reagan also tripled the national debt, another score for the banksters and crony capitalists, an insight why their media leaves Reagan's legacy sacrosanct.
                              Last edited by Guest; 09-27-2013, 08:59 PM.

