Stefan Molyneux quote on gun control

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  • Stefan Molyneux quote on gun control

    I gather this quote has been around for a while

    If you are for gun control, then you're not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. You'll need to go around, pass laws, and shoot people who resist, kick in doors, and throw people in jail, and so on; rip up families, just to take away guns. So it's not that you're anti-gun, because [...] you'll need the police's guns to take away other people's guns, so you're very pro-gun, you just believe that only the government (which is of course so reliable, honest, moral, virtuous, and forward-thinking) should be allowed to have guns. So there's no such thing as gun control, there's only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small political elite and their minions. Gun control is a misnomer. -- Stefan Molyneux, Canadian libertarian.

  • #2
    I love what Stefan said about forced public education and the absence of ethics courses, where using force against others to exert your will on them can't be openly-discussed. The conundrum of holding your parents at gunpoint as you evict them from their homes for refusing to pay for the schools might get mentioned, undermining the authority and foundational principles by which statists force a populace to adopt their ideologies on education, conscription, camouflaged serfdom where there is no real property ownership, and so forth. No wonder almost all the discussion and attitude-formation on firearms in marxist indoctrination centers instills the idea that only uniformed enforcers of marxist policies should posses guns, and only when executing the offenses of the state on the people.

    Both sides agree on one thing with firearms: Firearms represent a significant amount of power. The leftists believe that such power should only be licensed, regulated, and ultimately possessed by the state. Free people recognize that such power belongs in the hands of the people, exempted from state intrusion, regulation, or record-keeping.
    Last edited by Guest; 09-26-2013, 01:56 AM.


    • montana
      • Jun 2011
      • 3209

      Free people recognize that such power belongs in the hands of the people, exempted from state intrusion, regulation, or record-keeping.[/QUOTE]

      Well said, +1


      • #4
        The left wants to switch from a system where everything is allowed unless it is forbidden to one where everything is forbidden unless you are permitted.


        • burkew23
          • May 2013
          • 118

          a free people get to make only once."


          • #6


            • skyfish
              • Mar 2011
              • 194

              Those are some of the best statements I have heard on this subject.


              • #8
                That's good.

