Wow! NSA watching Credit Cards

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  • BjornF16
    • Jun 2011
    • 1825

    Originally posted by Nukes
    While I have criticized specific behaviors and beliefs and made no generalizations at all, it is actually you who appears to take these evil acts as defining a people, a nation.
    Originally posted by Nukes View Post
    Whatever flimsy excuse they give, this is just tribal politicians trying to reduce blowback against the tribal banksters when they completely collapse the economy. When the full impact of their economic crimes against humanity becomes clear to every hungry American, they'd prefer we be completely powerless.
    Originally posted by Nukes
    Those with enough money to own the media and organs of propaganda have been moving the RIGHT-LEFT goalposts for decades in order to move the MIDDLE further into their deadly grasp. It is an old Kabbalistic trick (read about the pillars of gevurah, chesed, and tifret)
    Originally posted by Nukes
    Freedom for whom? Looting banksters? Yep. Genocidal Zionists? Yep.
    Originally posted by Nukes
    As best I can tell, under both communism and predatory capitalism power and money, food and water, end up weaponized in the hands of the same tribe, dynastic banksters and monopolist financiers.
    Originally posted by Nukes
    Let the Death Cabal be first in line as part of their own "95%." Nuremberg 2. Let the trials begin.
    Originally posted by Nukes
    after the tribe's 1933 worldwide declaration
    If the shoe fits...
    LIFE member: NRA, TSRA, SAF, GOA
    Defend the Constitution and our 2A Rights!


    • #32
      Yep, I criticized:

      1) those guilty of economic crimes against humanity—fractional reserve banking, fiat currency, derivatives-hypothecated-upon-derivatives, triple bail outs for the banksters while the people dispossessed of their jobs are on food stamps

      Do you support economic crimes against humanity? the willful looting of the USA by those "too big to jail"? Are you happy at the misery and death the economic manipulations and outright looting have caused?

      2) the Kabbalistic pillars of gevurah, chesed, and tiferet manipulations to defeat objective moral standards (the furthest back I have been able to trace the Problem-Reaction-Solution trick is 16th century Kabbala).

      Do you support subjectivism, relativism, floating goal posts of "morality"?

      3) genocidal Zionism.

      Do you support genocide? Do you support dispossession of indigenous people and theft of ancestral Middle Eastern land by a bunch of (mostly) Europeans and North Americans?

      4) dynastic banksters and financiers who at the same time ran capitalism and communism, looting for profit while over 60 million Christians were genocided.

      Do you support Wall Street and European banksters who ginned up wars, genocidal revolutions, and the cold war for their profit and the misery and death of others?

      5) the 1933 Declaration of War against Germany by World Jewry.

      Do you think the people who start a war may not be named?

      6) the Culture of Death, the Death Cabal

      Do you support those who work towards the death of 6.5 BILLION?

      Indeed, if the shoe fits... if a group is enormously disproportionately responsible for wars and the genocide of over 60 million people and the worst they suffer for it is "tribal," that's a very sweet deal, much sweeter a deal than received by the victims of their wars, revolutions, and other crimes against humanity. Yes, certainly, prosecute the guilty, repatriate all the ill-gotten gains, repudiate debt derived of criminality, and, of course, leave the innocent alone.

      Do you want the guilty to go free?

      Deal with the facts, not magic curse words that have lost their mojo.


      "Not to oppose error is to approve it, and not to defend the truth is to suppress it, and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them. " Pope St. Felix III
      Last edited by Guest; 06-13-2013, 05:14 AM.


      • TheOTHERmaninblack
        • Apr 2011
        • 156

        Is it possible we might just have a pinned thread for NUKES to proselytize and whoever feels the need to argue with him while we keep the rest of these threads clear?

        Just sayin'.


        • #34
          On a thread about the NSA, I provided links noting the NSA's accomplices. The thought police took exception to those inconvenient facts invoking the usual magic curse word.

          An alternative: we could have a pinned thread for the thought police and only those who agree on the righteousness of every US and Israeli government action, the wickedness of all things Islamic, pre-approved political opinions, vetted historical interpretations, and official government-approved conspiracy theories. Nobody has to step outside of the Faux News echo chamber.

          Just sayin'.
          Last edited by Guest; 06-13-2013, 07:59 PM.


          • Deer Hunter

            Originally posted by montana View Post
            Let's see we own no property,"we rent it called property taxes, zoning laws,environmental laws unless your a too big to fail corporation". We have no free thought, or are safe from unreasonable search or seizures on our person or property" hate crime thought police punishment,NSA tracking phone calls and web sites to catch enemies of the state , IRS punishing groups the state doesn't agree with and helping the one's they do, character destruction by state or corporate run new's outlets ,random road blocks to search every vehicle with out probable cause, academic control of correct or non correct subject matter so the selected ones will be the only ones to graduate to key positions ". No national sovereignty," hundred's of thousands of U.S. soldiers guarding state corporate interest around the world on foreign soil but not enough resources to guard against drug cartels murdering, beheading and skinning people alive on our own borders so we put up danger signs on public parks and forest to warn people to keep out because it is too dangerous because drug traffickers use them to move drugs into our nation and allowing illegal immigrants to flow across our borders to dilute the character, financial ability of local municipality"s and customs of a once free thinking people". Financial destruction of citizen's saving's "through inflation, zero interest paid to saving's accounts because of criminal state backed quantitative easing of international private bank's , free trade with communist governments to promote the destruction of the middle class and the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world ".
            I guess this is paradise on earth and this is all non sense conspiracy theory of non existent shadow groups because both political party's support gun bans, and the arming of the Syrian rebels who were the same people who we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan to fight terrorism in the first place. Yea this all makes a lot of sense. That Ron Paul is a real wacko with his wacko foreign policy.
            I wish you were wrong Montana but you are not. I will admit that i dont like all Ron Pauls statements on Military issues but he is spot on on the other 90% of his Political positions. I also think back on Mark Twains statement about his Father "It is amazing how stupid my Father was when I was a child and smart he became when I became a man." Well using that analogy one could surmise that I was wrong on my stance and Ron Paul may have been right.


            • LR1955
              Super Moderator
              • Mar 2011
              • 3365


              I closed this thread.


              Take your hatred of Jews and racist double talk elsewhere.

              Carbon Tet:

              Go elsewhere and be an Anarchist.


              • bwaites
                • Mar 2011
                • 4445

                See new Sticky!

