Should we boycott gun makers in anti gun states?

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  • Should we boycott gun makers in anti gun states?

    We have too many gun manufacturers who are in anti gun states (Illinois - Springfield, DS Arms, Masschusetts - Savage Arms, NY, Maryland, California). Shouldn't we pressure these companies to move to gun friendly states like Indiana, SC, NC, Texas and so forth?
  • cory
    • Jun 2012
    • 3003

    Originally posted by Trooper View Post
    We have too many gun manufacturers who are in anti gun states (Illinois - Springfield, DS Arms, Masschusetts - Savage Arms, NY, Maryland, California). Shouldn't we pressure these companies to move to gun friendly states like Indiana, SC, NC, Texas and so forth?
    "Those who sacrifice liberty for security, deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin


    • MrDraco
      • Jul 2011
      • 208

      The problem I have with boycotting certain manufacturers is I know some of them (Springfield and Savage for example) have commented that they want to relocate but it's too costly for them to do so.


      • Soylent Green

        We should not boycott them.
        Encourage them to move? Yes. But I'm not willing to help them financially with the HUGE moving costs, are you?
        Machinery costs a lot to move, and most employees WON'T move for a job and leave family behind. So now after moving, they must find and hire new people...not feasable.


        • sneaky one
          • Mar 2011
          • 3077

          Good call Soy Green, welcome in also.


          • Deer Hunter

            We should not stoop to the tactics of our critics to financially harm a business or individual through no fault of their own who simply ended up in a State with a bunch of a$$holes for
            Legislators. I to would encourage them to join the cause but to relocate a company like Savage would be phenomenonly expensive.
            Yes I was pissed and distressed with Cheaper then dirts decision to halt sales of AR type guns and gears but theirs WAS a decision they made not their happenstance location.


            • #7
              I started to comment on this earlier, but refrained, just to see if others thought the same as I do. And I wholeheartedly agree with mr Draco and soylent green, not cost feasible. Of course, those states may impose special taxes, if possible, on gun mfrs., which may force them to move or into bankruptcy. Boycott them, no.


              • #8
                Heck, if anything favor the poor souls that have to live in the horrible states. These companies are well aware how horrible their states are so why would you want to punish them while they are dealing with all this BS. WHEN MD passes this BS they are trying to and companies like Midway USA refuse to ship here (like they did to NY) I am going to be EXTRA pissed.


                • babaganoush
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 251

                  Please don't mind my saying so, but if we start boycotting companies in the firearm industry that happen to be in now hostile states, it would be tantamount to eating our own young. I believe that nothing would please the anti-gunners more, than to see us turn on our own.

                  Just my .02
                  "A problem thoroughly understood is always fairly simple. Found your opinions on facts, not prejudices. We know too many things that are not true."

                  Charles F. Kettering


                  • cory
                    • Jun 2012
                    • 3003

                    While I don't like the idea of boycotting 2nd Amendment supporting companies, the fact is they're directly financing increasingly tyrannical governments. I don't know the exact numbers, but I can only assume losing the income tax from these companies and their employees would deliver a huge blow to their current state's budget. Not to mention the rise in unemployment that would directly effect the populations voting tendency, well normally.

                    Again I don't like seeing anyone losing their job, but at what point do we hold the population responsible for voting in the socialist party, standing by idly while unconstitutional policies are implemented, and allowing a tyrannical government to exist within our borders? Everyone one of us as individuals are responsible for what are country and state has become.

                    I don't want to see these companies go bankrupt. Boycotting is hopefully not the answer, but something has to be done, and these companies operating out of communist territory need to relocate. Thousands have given their lives in the name of liberty for this country, and thousands more stand by ready and willing too. The money argument will get little sympathy from me. Granted, relocating an entire company overnight isn't feasible for most, relocating in stages certainly is feasible at the very least. What better time to expand into constitutionally abiding and business friendly states than when their demand is at an all time high?

                    I'd like to applaud Magpul for being prepared to do so in the event Colorado passes their anti 2nd legislation.
                    Last edited by cory; 03-02-2013, 03:44 AM. Reason: Grammar
                    "Those who sacrifice liberty for security, deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin


                    • shotgun_wedding

                      Why not keep buying from the companies, but boycott every other business in the state? (Yes, I know the state government ultimately gets their fingers on their tax dollars)


                      • bwaites
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 4445

                        2 issues here:

                        1) The gun companies are NOT the enemy. Those who are attempting to usurp our rights are. The gun companies have little choice in that beyond trying to help us defeat those people. Magpul is somewhat unique, in that they can make the move relatively easily in comparison.

                        2) We need to find a way to convince others to join in our cause, not be seen as radical "all or nothing" boosters.

                        I think we do need to encourage the companies to not sell anything to state governments that is not available to that states citizens. That makes a point who the really important people are, the citizens, not the employees of the citizens!

                        Lets make sure we focus our energy on the real culprits, not the people we need!
                        Last edited by bwaites; 03-02-2013, 04:26 AM.


                        • cory
                          • Jun 2012
                          • 3003

                          Originally posted by bwaites View Post
                          Magpul is somewhat unique, in that they can make the move relatively easily in comparison.
                          How exactly is that?

                          I agree we don't need to start attacking these companies. I have no plans to boycott any of these companies in the near future. However, in light of the recent events I would be willing to boycott any company who expanded inside of their current socialist states post any anti 2nd legislation in their state..
                          "Those who sacrifice liberty for security, deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin


                          • bwaites
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 4445

                            Because they say they can. I'm assuming because their equipment is more mobile? They certainly don't have the equipment that the older firearms companies do, like huge lathes and forges, and hammer mills, etc.


                            • El Wray
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 52

                              Simple. Pressure the legislators in these states, not the companies...
                              "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but of those who look on and do nothing." Albert Einstein


