This gets weirder and weirder.....Adam Lanza died December 13, 2012?

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  • bwaites
    • Mar 2011
    • 4445

    This gets weirder and weirder.....Adam Lanza died December 13, 2012?

    The following data is available at;

    The SSDI database shows Adam Lanza to be expired on December 13, 2012, one day prior to the school shooting. Confirmation Status is listed as “Proven”. However the state of issue is New Hampshire.
    The implications of this are unfathomable if accurate.
    Could this be why John Blawie, a Connecticut State Superior Court Judge has put a halt on search warrant affidavits?
    An excerpt from the local CT Post reads;
    DANBURY — A state Superior Court judge said Thursday that search warrant affidavits for the cars and home of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza and his mother would stay sealed for another 90 days.
    Judge John Blawie granted motions filed Wednesday by Danbury State’s Attorney Stephen Sedensky to extend the statutory sealing period for the five warrants, including three for the Yogonanda Street home where the 20-year-old Lanza fatally shot his mother, Nancy, four times in the face on the morning of Dec. 14, before embarking on the rampage that left 20 first-graders and six educators dead.

    This is getting so strange that Twilight Zone wouldn't touch it!!
  • carbontetrachloride

    Kinda like building 7 imploding in its own footprint.


    • Grendel-Gene

      its a good thing that the obama administration vowed to be the most open and transparent in history....


      • txgunner00
        • Mar 2011
        • 2070

        Originally posted by carbontetrachloride View Post
        Kinda like building 7 imploding in its own footprint.
        .... 26 minutes after the BBC reported it had collapsed...
        NRA life, GOA life, SAF, and TSRA

        "I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people, except for a few public officials. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."

        George Mason, co-author, 2nd Amendment.


        • #5
          There were several memorial sites set up a day or two before the victims were deceased, and a picture of young Emily (may she rest in peace) sitting on a certain presidents leg days after she passed


          • #6
            Has anyone even compiled an official report about what exactly happened? What was Adam Lanza doing at the school the day before that led to the altercation? Any crime scene diagrams, with a timeline?

            Do we have the forensics results?

            Any clarification on the tags for the Honda Civic? Why seal the evidence for another 90 days if everyone is dead? I wasn't there, so I have no clue what happened, since I'm left only with disinformation from a network of propaganda-peddlers who have a clear and demonstrable agenda to portray firearms owners in a negative light, no matter the story.

            So where do we get reliable information from?


            • bwaites
              • Mar 2011
              • 4445

              Like Aurora, there are NO credible timelines or witnesses.

              No one at Aurora has actually ID'd the shooter. No one left alive at Sandy Hook actually saw the shooter.

              There are way too many weird things about both of these for me to believe anything at this point.

              At Sandy Hook alone: First the shooter was Ryan Lanza, then there was someone in the woods by the school, then the shooter was Adam, then then there was no rifle, then there was a rifle in the car, but not in the building, then there were 4 handguns recovered inside the school, then there were 2 handguns and a rifle inside the school, then there was a rifle in the car that was an AR15, then film of that rifle seems to indicate it was not an AR15.

              All I KNOW now is that I no longer have any belief in the media (that was pretty much a fact before), and I have no belief in the police forces or the federal law enforcement agencies.

              At Aurora you could argue that a trial must happen before all the evidence is presented.

              At Sandy Hook, there will be no trial, the alleged shooter is dead, there is no conspiracy discussed. The fact that the evidence has been embargoed when we have been told the shooter is dead totally waves a red flag that we are not being told anything remotely close to the truth.

              I hate to believe in conspiracies, especially when there are dead children, but what are we left with here but a conspiracy?


              • #8
                Is there more information with this? Such as parents names or a social security number? I know it would be one hell of a coincidence but....


                • bwaites
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 4445

                  It's him. Others have delved into it by joining the Geneology Site to double check.

                  Its weird because it lists New Hampshire, too.


                  • VASCAR2
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 6242

                    We are becoming victims of the 24 hour news cycle. With the speed of the major news media getting on the scene of incidents where there are multiple victims there is almost instantaneous reporting. There is a lack of editorial discretion because every news agency wants to be the first to report the news. The news media is not concerned about reporting facts. The news services are after hype and ratings. To bad these same news organizations are using these events to try and sway public opinion. This is a very large country and there are critical incidents almost every day. The media is focusing on any incident involving firearms.

                    Until viewers stop watching or start expressing their outrage to erroneous reporting from news groups. To many news reports are rumors and opinions instead of know FACTS in critical incidents.


                    • #11
                      If you want to keep your head above the disinformation water, you need to recognize that all these false stories and purveying of lies are nothing but propaganda. There isn't any journalism like you would expect, with professional journalists who dive into the meat and potatoes of a story with one goal in mind:

                      The truth

                      Instead, what we have are these clearing houses for disinformation and steering of public perception. How may of you notice that whenever they discuss your particular professional trade, they never get even the basic terminology correct? They can't even find a mediocre college grad who can connect the dots and begin to understand some of the basic realities of your profession, and they haven't ever bothered to educate themselves as to the facts underlying a particular story.

                      Not only that, they haven't made the effort to familiarize themselves with common terminology associated with recurring themes that they themselves choose to misinform on, generation after generation. In the anti-freedom debate, the same brainless actors still haven't learned one iota of correct terminology, and we can still see that with their ridiculous comments about weapons, particularly firearms and ammunition feeding devices. Nothing has changed with their level of ignorance since the pushes to ban semi-auto's in the 1980's.

                      We need to ignore them out of business. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, etc. They are collections of brainless teleprompted information-recyclers with no real knowledge or understanding of the subject matter, even when they travel overseas to do on-site misinformation. The truth isn't welcome through their thick skulls, and the ones who get air time have long ago sacrificed the truth for the organizational propaganda goals, and they know it.


                      • #12
                        I don't even have a TV, I blew the thing to hell when the kids were little shavers. KABOOM!!!

                        Not there is any truth left on the radio, blogs, etc., lol!!

                        But its there if you have the time to dig. And that is precious and rare for all these days as we are force to run rat races for lives...


                        • #13
                          If you can find it, read "The Spike" by Arnaud de Borchgrave and Robert Moss....This is the moment that I realized that the media is so bullshit.....I was 17 when I read it.
                          Last edited by Guest; 01-25-2013, 12:42 AM.


                          • #14
                            This is a must watch compilation video of just some of the evidence that points to a false flag conspiracy. The implications are staggering, but the evidence speaks for itself.

                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                            • #15
                              Some may find this a little hard to believe and say why..... but this can't be true.
                              Well the news today, the proposed AWB, combined with the pending UN small arms treat vote in New York just a few weeks away (March 18th which was postponed from last summer into obamas lame duck term) that would override our constitutional law with international law, is why. The stage has been set via the Aurora theater and Sandyhook mass murders. Now the brain dead government relying hordes are begging to have the second amendment destroyed. Next comes the destruction of the first amendment and then total fascist tyranny.

