The only way I see to stop the craziness

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  • The only way I see to stop the craziness

    The only thing that will make a politician stop and think is power. By that I mean real grassroots political power. I saw the power of the Teaparty, though we couldn't stop the Dems from pushing through Barrycare we did smack them down in 2010.

    Gun owners all over the country need to come to Washington IN MASS and I mean soon! It will hurt some to take time off work. We have to get every committed gun owner there no matter what it takes.

    We need to put on a show the media can't ignore. Flags, signs, uniforms and most of all our united voices committing ourselves to the ouster of those who would take our rights away.

    This is the fight of our lives. If they get their way it will never, in our lifetime, be turned around. Pick a date, the next 30 days will be crucial.


  • #2
    I was thinking the same thing yesterday.


    • BjornF16
      • Jun 2011
      • 1825

      I'm up for a trip to D.C.! Now just need to get some organization like GOA or SAF to organize it. They would have the resources to pull it off (or Glenn Beck).

      I think a lot of the politicians may be mindful of the 2010 election that was driven by ObamaCare...particularly in the House. That is where this non-sense can be stopped.

      That is why I keep encouraging everyone to contact your congressmen (but in particular your Rep). And encourage others to contact. Don't multiple times. Let them know you are paying attention and will vote accordingly.
      LIFE member: NRA, TSRA, SAF, GOA
      Defend the Constitution and our 2A Rights!


      • #4
        We need to put on a show the media can't ignore.
        You mean like this one:

        They ignored that rally like it never happened. It got zero coverage on the pravda propaganda apparatchik networks, especially overseas. Basically never happened. That was after Obamacare was illegally rammed through the system with bribes, back-door deals, kickbacks, and arm-twisting, characteristic of a subtle totalitarian machine.

        Our Governors need to pull the plug on the money to D.C. and offer the full power of the States to shelter individuals from D.C. theft until they are forced to accept a balanced budget, which basically covers defense of the Nation starting from our borders, working outwards. We need zero input from D.C. on how to run things within the States. We already have State Legislatures, Governors, and Courts to handle internal affairs at more levels than any other nation on earth before you factor in D.C.


        • #5
          "We need zero input from D.C. on how to run things within the States."

          Amen to that LR, and you are very right that the mainstream media will try to minimize us. Our ultimate power needs to be at the local and state level. However, states rights are being diminished so quickly I fear they will soon cease to exist.

          We have to learn (and learn real quick) how to hijack the social media, do street theater, disrupt peacefully all their liberal bastions. When those yo yo's put "NRA kills our kids" signs in front of Wayne La Pierre it was not so much to change any of the uninformed, it was to get their base reved up. We have to get all of our sportsmen brothers not mad but resolute.

          Gun owners are very diverse but in the main they are conservative. We see these kind of tactics often as rude and undignified. However, they can work to not only electrify our side but to make lay people question the talking points they have been fed for so long.


          • BjornF16
            • Jun 2011
            • 1825

            Originally posted by LRRPF52 View Post
            They ignored that rally like it never happened. It got zero coverage on the pravda propaganda apparatchik networks, especially overseas. Basically never happened. That was after Obamacare was illegally rammed through the system with bribes, back-door deals, kickbacks, and arm-twisting, characteristic of a subtle totalitarian machine.
            Yes, and then we had the 2010 election where Republicans regained control of the House (thanks to the TEA Party)...which is why I say the House will take notice.

            Originally posted by LRRPF52 View Post
            Our Governors need to pull the plug on the money to D.C. and offer the full power of the States to shelter individuals from D.C. theft until they are forced to accept a balanced budget, which basically covers defense of the Nation starting from our borders, working outwards. We need zero input from D.C. on how to run things within the States. We already have State Legislatures, Governors, and Courts to handle internal affairs at more levels than any other nation on earth before you factor in D.C.
            LIFE member: NRA, TSRA, SAF, GOA
            Defend the Constitution and our 2A Rights!


            • #7
              We need to have local rally's as well. I'm just not much of event planner. I think that there is a lot of people who don't care enough to show up to events like these.


              • #8
                I would be very pleased if anyone could figure out a way to get the "mainstream" media to pay attention to the "pro-firearms" community, and give fair reporting regarding the issues and opinions of that group of people. Having one or two stations that will cover firearms issues fairly is a start, but the people we need to reach usually only watch the stations that put forward what they want to hear.

                The problem is getting "anti-firearms" people to actually listen to a rational discussion in an unbiased manner.

                I thought the attempt to have Mr. Morgan deported for his anti-firearms retoric missed a wonderful opportunity. I would have prefered that rather than calling for Mr. Morgan's deportation, someone would ask him to participate in a civilized debate on the issue. It is my belief that logic, and the facts do NOT favor the anti-firearms population.


                • #9
                  I would be very pleased if anyone could figure out a way to get the "mainstream" media to pay attention to the "pro-firearms" community, and give fair reporting regarding the issues and opinions of that group of people.
                  The lamestream pravda "media" is not there to report the facts about free people owning and using firearms responsibly. These are nothing but propaganda PR firms for a political ideology that favors international, collectivist government over sovereign nations. They aren't going to ever tell people how the murder rate in the US has literally dropped 50% from 1990-2009, as have other violent crimes across the board.

                  They aren't going to report that violent crime is higher in urbanized areas with restrictive gun legislation. There is simply a template that "guns are bad". People who own them are nut jobs. Government should step in and restrict their ownership....for the children. They will never report use of firearms to protect life, like at the mall shooting in Oregon, the theater shooting in Texas, and thousands upon thousands of cases each year where home-owners, motorists, business owners, employees, and the weak or children save their lives in the face of violent criminal attack.

                  Most accurate 2021 crime rates for Chicago, IL. Your chance of being a victim of violent crime in Chicago is 1 in 186 and property crime is 1 in 31. Compare Chicago crime data to other cities, states, and neighborhoods in the U.S. on NeighborhoodScout.

                  You do see it reported in the local news across the Nation, but not in the big PR propaganda firms known as CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, and even Fox. You can find stories about it on Fox's website, but you rarely see national-slot stories dedicated to this issue on the Murdoch-owned Fox.

                  This is why the huge corporate PR firm propaganda machine has been labelled "old media" by a new wave of internet journalism. The agenda is quite clear when you look at it, and it has zero to do with domestic crime, and everything to do with international totalitarian crime of the uber-elite, "we know better than you" types like Piers Morgan, one of Rupert Murdoch's favorite minions.
                  Last edited by Guest; 01-02-2013, 01:42 AM.


                  • BjornF16
                    • Jun 2011
                    • 1825

                    Originally posted by LRRPF52 View Post
                    The lamestream pravda "media" is not there to report the facts about free people owning and using firearms responsibly.
                    I think we may be doing Pravda a disservice by comparing our lamestream media with them...after all, Pravda called for us to protect our gun rights.
                    LIFE member: NRA, TSRA, SAF, GOA
                    Defend the Constitution and our 2A Rights!


                    • Deer Hunter

                      Yes Pravda did warn against submitting to gun ban. Our Lamestream media sucks!


                      • acelungger

                        I agree that we need to do this! But I don't think with our economy the way it is, out of 100% of us would love to be there, but only 30% could do that, and then only 20% will show! I know how my post looks, but folks, how many of us can take 4 days of lost wage's, having to pay a few nights in a motel, plus eats ect.
                        BUT I think we might pull this off and have a chance for it to work!! Okay, Pick a date, Then everyone that can do this maybe it will work. We all meet on the lawn's if they are not cover in snow,at the Capital of the state you them in. The states that are close to D.C. can do there rally there!
                        That is the only thing that will work.


                        • Deer Hunter

                          Dhs just bought another 200,000 jhp bullets to add to their 1.5 billion. I got news for yall this ends badly for everybody, they intend to implement this. Two choices fight or submit and a trip to D.C. means naught. Sorry guys thats the way I see it. Just like when I was a kid i always knew when dad intended to beat the hell out of me and he did it till I made him stop. I havent been beat since and I damn sure dont intend to let it happen again!


                          • #14
                            Why not draft a bill that makes it illegal for congress to pass gun control laws of any kind and retroactively nulls the NFA?


                            • Grendel-Gene


                              A bill of Attainder is an act of the legislature accusing a person or group of persons to be guilty of some crime and punishing them without benefit of a trial.
                              Article One, Section 9 of the Constitution prevents Bill of Attainders in the federal government, and Article One, Section 10 prohibits Bills of Attainder on the state level.

                              Perhaps there is our legal recourse to fight the gun grab. We are being PUNISHED without benefit of a trial!!!

