Loki weapon systems

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  • jwilson1985

    This is the first time I've really even looked at this stuff, so I'll give you what I know.
    We had a falling out shortly after my last post here we being me and the owner of loki. I was gone a while before this happened, hence me removing the affiliation from my profile.
    I also want to set straight that I am not on arfcom nor have i ever been or want to be! That was a issue i contacted admin about on that sight when those posts came up.

    This is the story of what happened that I have got through the grapevine as i have had no contact with them since the falling out. It appears that his FFL was pulled, there is a court docket online that you can see( http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2...ms-is-no-more/ ). It also appears the Erik has changed all contact info as well.

    I also want to state that i never worked for loki. i just promoted the brand cause Erik WAS!! a good friend of mine. I'm truly sorry and sickend for the ones that lost money,but that is something i had nothing to do with or even knew about. I'm also sorry that i have no direction to point you in cause I have the same contact info that everyone else does.


    • jchapman62

      Just saw this from a google search:

      Looks for Range


      19 posts
      Posted 14 December 2012 - 04:06 PM

      Just got off the phone with captain Darrin duckworth with the otoka ok police dept.He is requesting that anyone who has been taken by loki weapon system to contact him by phone or email...they are building a case on this thief....

      Phone 580-889-3250
      fax 580-889-4037

      Please pass this on to any of your customers that were taken.Should not let this guy get away with it...I myself lost 2K.....won't be a good Christmas for me....

      BTW according to what he said ...he spoke to Erik and he said he was leaving because he was overwhelmed with orders and can't keep up....hard for me to believe that....

      Interesting. I have a friend who got an upper from them and it was OK, but apparently they're toast. Hope this helps.


      • Sniper4life

        The Demise of Loki Weapon Systems, the True Story From the Gunsmith who subcontracted for them.
        In the summer of 2009 we entered into a contract with a weapons company to design and build them rifles. They were
        to pay us 280,000 dollars for the work. We designed the weapon and began manufacturing them. When we approached the
        company for the money they refused to take our calls. Soon after we received a cease and desist order on building
        the rifles from the companies attorney stating that we had stole their design. They shut down our machine shops
        production through threats of legal recourse against them. When we went to court against them they had the blueprints
        to the rifles with them showing that they had designed it not us. It wasn't until later we had discovered that they
        had hired someone to hack our network and steal the blue prints from us. Unfortunately for the company they were not
        very brilliant and failed to remove the drafters mark from the blueprint, the drafter whom we paid and had worked
        with for the past year in the design stages of the rifle. When the Drafter brought this to light in front of the
        court, the Judge Immediately turned the case around and told the owner of Loki that he needed to be suing the other
        company for theft not the other way around. We thought we had won and everything would go back to normal but it didn't.
        Almost immediately after that we started having surprise visits from the ATF, harassing us and nitpicking anything
        they could get us on. They lied to us, mislead us, broke several laws and protocols regarding proper search and seizure
        of an FFL holder including more than one unannounced visit a year. When they couldn't find anything as we were law abiding
        people just trying to make a living, the ATF agent began a Rogue, grey area, vague line of questioning to which
        it was very hard to understand exactly what he was asking. The owner of Loki answered the questions to the best of
        his ability instead of asking to have his lawyer present which he should have done but was simply just trying to
        comply with the agent as he had nothing to hide. The Agent talked him into a corner to which he eventually misunderstood
        what was being asked of him and his answer was perceived as a lie. As soon as he realized what was being asked he recanted
        his statement explaining he had misunderstood the question to which the Agent replied ah ha so you lied to a Federal Agent!
        He then left and began building a case against us based on a "lie" that was said during the illegal and unwarranted questioning.
        Confounded as to why they were going out of their way to seemingly put us out of business we did some investigating
        of our own. What we found is that our Agent graduated from the same school, in the same town, in the same year, as the owner
        of the company we were currently fighting against in court. It all made sense at that point and when we made inquiry
        into this with the ATF they pulled the Agent and replaced him with another. Unfortunately this didn't stop the damage
        that was already done as the ATF would not pull the case against us, probably out of fear that we would sue them for
        harassment and illegal surveillance/ search and seizure of documents. We continued on however through 2010, 2011, and into 2012
        where we finally had begun to make money after all our set backs and began expanding both production and design. The Lawsuit
        against the theft of our design eventually ended up a draw as They could not beat us yet if we sued them we would
        have to turn over the design to them. Seeing as how we were currently using the design and that the company was broke
        and couldn't pay us anything both parties dropped the case. However up to this point we had fought and lost our case with the ATF
        twice as the ATF fights their cases in a DOJ court basically guaranteeing their victory. It cost thousands of
        dollars to re-appeal your case each time. On the third appeal you have the option to go to a supreme court. We were certain we
        win at this point as their case against us was petty and unsubstantial. However I received a phone call on thanksgiving
        informing me that we had lost the case and that I was out of a job. I couldn't understand why as we were so close
        to beating this. As it turns out our lead manufacturer had been in financial trouble for awhile and hadn't informed us that they were
        going bankrupt along with thousands of dollars worth of parts we had ordered and desperately needed. The ATF requires that
        they sign off on any new manufacturer cutting your parts, a process that takes upwards of 6 to 9 months. On top of that before
        they would approve anything we would have to pay the thousands of dollars to re-appeal our case. That means not only would we
        be without parts to sell for nearly a year but that we were not going to receive the parts we already ordered to cover our current
        builds, and we would be paying every dime we had in legal fees to fight the ATF. It was a gamble that in the end the owner chose
        to keep the money that he had and refund as many customers as possible rather than pay the ATF and most likely lose even more. He
        was given 30 days to transfer or destroy all remaining receivers/ suppressors/ full autos and surrender his license and books,
        and vacate the premises. Nobody came out good in this situation. I personally was living out of my truck on canned beans till I
        could find another job as I had not seen this coming. There is fault in many areas of this situation but frankly to me its
        just another case of the federal government Nickle and diming a small business into the grave with mafia style tactics. I feel
        for anyone who lost money in this as I lost probably more than anyone as I had devoted two years of my life to building this
        company up into what I hoped would someday be a prominent manufacturer. I felt I needed to explain as much as I legally could
        in regards to this situation so that light and understanding could be brought in. Although I no longer have any contact with
        the owner I can tell you that he was devastated by this and in no way expected this to happen or tried to con anyone.
        He didn't walk away from this a rich man, he paid back as many people as he could with what he had. Unfortunately this is just
        the way it goes sometimes.


        • #19
          How do you prosecute someone for going bankrupt?


          • bwaites
            • Mar 2011
            • 4445

            Originally posted by Nukes View Post
            How do you prosecute someone for going bankrupt?
            You prosecute them INTO bankruptcy.


            • #21
              You know, I can completely understand a company going through all of that but I can not say that I understand the way they went about it. No announcement, no communication of any kind.

              I know that I will never get any of my money back, and I'm okay with that. But, I have a box of parts still in his possession that I could use to build up the rifle I want. I will not let this stop me from getting what I want/wanted. Please send me a message if there is anything I can do to get in touch with Erik to request these parts back.

              I feel very sorry for you sir and I do hope you can get back on your feet very soon.


              • #22
                For good reason, lawyers usually tell their clients to NOT talk about their case.


                • Sniper4life

                  I do not have any current information on the owner as I have absolved myself of all ties from the company after multiple threats against me. I understand that people are upset and rightfully so but I had to do whats in my best interest and my personal companies best interest by removing myself from the situation. I am not at all liable for anything in regards to the company as I was only a contractor hired for design and building of the rifles. Most people did not understand that or see it that way. I signed a contract stating that I would not divulge certain information about the company which is common these days and I have simply explained everything that I legally can and that I have learned since my departure from the company In hopes to possibly bring what little closure I can to the situation as I feel for everyone who took a loss through this as I took a huge loss as well. Being a very honest and hard working individual i took it very personally that things ended the way they did regardless of the fact that I was not responsible nor could have stopped it in any way.


                  • #24
                    Why didn't Loki make a press release informing everyone that they were under assault by organized crime...aka ATF (Always Think Forfeiture)?

                    This is why States need to protect their businesses and citizens from the ATF's criminal activities. They simply need to be barred from operating in your State when they resort to these types of crimes, as they did to Cavarms and Saber Defense.

                    In my State, they focus on prosecuting illegal aliens and bonafide criminal entities, but just over the border in Idaho, they were shutting down FFL's like it was a competition in jackassery.


                    • Ridgerider

                      as they did to Cavarms and Saber Defense.

                      Dont know about Cav Arms but the owner of Sabre Defense was smuggling fully auto's out of the country to the Middle East and he left the country rather quickly and was later arrested in the UK by Special branch

                      This happened when the shot show was happening 2 years ago


                      • #26
                        Saber was selling to .gov in the UK. I think there is more to the story, especially in the high demand environment to get weapons to contractors who had approval from the US and UK to transport to the Middle East.


                        • #27
                          I got burned by Loki (John Erik Davis) last December 2012. I sent my info, communications with them and a copy of a Postal Money order, that Davis signed a couple of days before he disappeared, to the Atoka CO Sheriff Cpt.Duckworth. I've called & emailed multiple times and received no response.

                          I called the Atoka Co DA's office yesterday and finally got an update.
                          Davis hasn't even been arrested because they cannot locate him. If there is a picture of him out there post it so he can be more easily located by law enforcement. The DA didn't find me listed with the victims- appears the Sheriff didn't pass it on.

                          If you got burned & have proof send your info to: Asst. District Attorney Greg Jenkins at greg.jenkins@dac.state.ok.us


                          Their local paper stated Erik took from 16 people, and also this, "A former gun company chief executive officer is facing 13 felony counts of
                          obtaining cash by false pretenses.
                          The charges against John Erik Davis, 43,
                          Muldrow, were filed Wednesday, April 17.
                          The defendant was CEO of LOKI Weapon
                          Systems, which has been accused of taking payments from customers and not delivering products.
                          The company used to operate out of Atoka’s Industrial
                          Park No. 1. If Davis received the maximum punishment on each count and the counts ran consecutively, the fines would total $65,000 and the imprisonment would total 85 years.
                          Upon conviction, he would be ordered to pay restitution
                          on each count, according to Asst. District Attorney Greg Jenkins."

                          Other forums on this:

