Another reason to thank President Trump

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    • Mar 2015
    • 6192

    Originally posted by Mhan7 View Post
    I hate Christianity, but I have no desire to destroy Capitalism, or the Collective. It's a convenient story, because it catches a whole lot of people, and helps package the "culture war" narrative. For the record, there is a culture war. But I don't think that it's very well understood by the vocal majority of the proponents of all things that are purportedly under attack. For my part, I can't stand the Puritan notions that we've been burdened with for 300 years. I love sex and have no hang ups about nudity. Unashamed. I don't have any problem with people who practice Christianity - so long as they don't get carried away on that whole notion of the US being a "Chrsitian Nation." It's not, and never was. It was a prevailing cultural trait, to be sure. But it was not built into our government. Just like it was never coded into our Constitution that blacks or women could not vote. These are inferences that are drawn by interested parties, and have had to be corrected over time, and with much suffering.

    The second part is just ridiculous. Rushing to the defense of the Capitalist in Chief, while suggesting that corporate America is fomenting a fascist mutiny. It just doesn't make sense. Modern capitalism works best, when the "shareholder" and their venture Capitalist slaves, can use up resources and labor, leverage the collective power of the consumer/worker, and spit them out, when a cheaper, and more able bodied work force becomes available. Capitalism is absolutely fantastic, when tempered with responsible benevolence, and absolutely terrible when oppressive, when it's overtaken by those who place short term gain, over long term sustainability, and the health of a nation. If you haven't known what it's like to lose a pension, be laid off after double digit years of service, or see an employee owned company divested and IPO'ed by an "investment group", then please don't bother to respond. I will assure at that point, that you have no clue what you're talking about.

    You have really got to start getting out more. These theories work well from a rural-centric world view. But when you actually understand how the world works from both points of view, it really sounds dumb. I grew up on a farm, and worked my way through higher education. I have, in all probability, seen more of the world than about 90% of the non-military members who participate in this forum. I did it all on my own dime. These things that you are saying right now, remind me of the people that I left behind, who have never been more than about 200 miles from where they were born.
    Yall dont feed this Troll.

    You lost all standing and any worthiness of consideration in conversations when you said "hate" christianity.

    Looks like our nice lil fourm as been invade by the communist left Trolls that every other board is dealing with right now.


    • Mhan7
      • Nov 2020
      • 60

      Originally posted by A5BLASTER View Post
      You lost all standing and any worthiness of consideration in conversations when you said "hate" christianity.
      No, I didn't. I just proved that you can't play well with others. I despise the very notion of religions, in general, and yet I continue to operate functionally (and politely) in a society that is open to all of them. Not sure where your confusion comes from. One of the fundamental ground rules of living in a free society, is that people are different, and they are afforded the privilege of being so. Having certain rights, does not obligate me to practice any of them - and certainly not to agree with anyone who does differently.

      Do you think that I need to tell you that I "love" Christianity, to be "worthy"? What would you call a person who mandates such things... Hmmm...

      Originally posted by A5BLASTER View Post
      Looks like our nice lil fourm as been invade by the communist left Trolls that every other board is dealing with right now.
      You were given intelligence at least on par with the great apes, and that's the best you can do with it? That's disappointing.

      I have to say, I have always been under the illusion that we were much healthier, under "The Great American Experiment" of Republican Democracy. It's responses like this that have me absolutely convinced that we are actually much closer to the movie, "Idiocracy". This makes me a little nervous, because I don't think that you'd know how to debate - much less respond - to an actual Marxist, if you met one. I've seen people with answer like this try. It usually ends up with them getting frustrated, and starting a physical fight.

      One of the mods did drop you some worthwhile clues, on how to engage the brain, before the mouth. Clearly, no heed was paid.


      • LR1955
        Super Moderator
        • Mar 2011
        • 3364

        Originally posted by Mhan7 View Post
        No, I didn't. I just proved that you can't play well with others. I despise the very notion of religions, in general, and yet I continue to operate functionally (and politely) in a society that is open to all of them. Not sure where your confusion comes from. One of the fundamental ground rules of living in a free society, is that people are different, and they are afforded the privilege of being so. Having certain rights, does not obligate me to practice any of them - and certainly not to agree with anyone who does differently.

        Do you think that I need to tell you that I "love" Christianity, to be "worthy"? What would you call a person who mandates such things... Hmmm...

        You were given intelligence at least on par with the great apes, and that's the best you can do with it? That's disappointing.

        I have to say, I have always been under the illusion that we were much healthier, under "The Great American Experiment" of Republican Democracy. It's responses like this that have me absolutely convinced that we are actually much closer to the movie, "Idiocracy". This makes me a little nervous, because I don't think that you'd know how to debate - much less respond - to an actual Marxist, if you met one. I've seen people with answer like this try. It usually ends up with them getting frustrated, and starting a physical fight.

        One of the mods did drop you some worthwhile clues, on how to engage the brain, before the mouth. Clearly, no heed was paid.

        I will give you some advice.

        You can stay on topic or leave the forum.

        No debate, no discussion.



        • LR1955
          Super Moderator
          • Mar 2011
          • 3364

          Originally posted by Mhan7
          I will be happy to stay on topic. The topic is "Another Reason to Thank President Trump". I assume that as long as I'm on topic, disagreement will be no problem. Is that correct? I also assume that anything that touches on 2A would be considered relevant. Is that correct?

          Just want to make sure I understand the rules.
          The one thing I can say about leftists is they are predictable.

          Someone who uses such scholarly language doesn't understand what "no debate, no discussion" means?

          Let me give you some time to figure it out.



          • mateba
            • Mar 2017
            • 84

            I appreciate President Trump for never giving up but only fighting harder. He is an admirable example of determination. Never concede. Happy to pitch in for helicopter fuel.


            • dammitman
              • Dec 2012
              • 649

              mhan7 and lucasj are in bed together,,,,and stanc is watching them,,,,,,just check their posts and behavour. they have nothing to do with 6.5 Grendel conversations. really nothing to add to this fine forum.
              Last edited by dammitman; 12-06-2020, 04:10 PM.


              • Klem
                • Aug 2013
                • 3520

                Originally posted by grayfox View Post

                Just one point on the Wuhan virus - and that is, the masks/distancing etc were never intended to stop the virus but to slow it down so hospital and health facilities would not be overwhelmed. And that it did. However the never-happy's, ie, Dems/leftists/marxists, twisted it into "O we need this to stop the virus!!!" It is a control-dictator-play on their part to say this. That was never the plan; slow it down, buy some time to get therapeutics and vaccines and figure out how to beat it. And by Golly!!!!! The Trump administration has done just that by mobilizing American resources!!!! Let's see: did any Muslim country figure any of this out? No. Did Russia figure this out? No. Did China figure this out and offer it to the world? Did anyone besides USA figure it all out? .

                I normally stay out of 2A but this comment takes the cake.

                If you took a break from the jingoism would you be prepared to accept there are other countries that have "figured it out"? That there are other vaccines out there being produced and trialled by other countries (at least 150 other vaccines). And that there are other countries and governments that have been more successful in protecting their citizens? Trump may have been good in other ways but the handling of Covid has not been his finest hour.


                • LR1955
                  Super Moderator
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 3364

                  Originally posted by Klem View Post

                  I normally stay out of 2A but this comment takes the cake.

                  If you took a break from the jingoism would you be prepared to accept there are other countries that have "figured it out"? That there are other vaccines out there being produced and trialled by other countries (at least 150 other vaccines). And that there are other countries and governments that have been more successful in protecting their citizens? Trump may have been good in other ways but the handling of Covid has not been his finest hour.

                  What countries have developed their own vaccine and distributed it to the citizens as of yet? I haven't heard of any.

                  As for handling the virus. Trump was ridiculed by the left and media for closing off travel to China and then Europe. Absolutely vilified. Luckily he did so because if he had followed the lead of the leftists and media in the USA and abroad, we would be looking at several million dead and a totally destroyed economy. Probably a civil war too.

                  As for Trump intervening with the affairs of individual states -- sorry but that is against the law. The Governors are totally responsible for what happens in their states and have been handling the Covid 19 crisis since it started. Trump is prohibited by law from taking control of a state. And I am pretty happy to have that buffer. When some Governors didn't do enough and the number of Covid cases skyrocketed in their states, Trump threatened to intervene. Sorry -- against the law here and he was ridiculed and vilified by the media and those Governors for even implying he would take charge of their states to get the Covid thing under control.

                  Not a good idea to compare the USA to other countries in terms of anything. Few are as big, have as big a population, have as diverse a culture and population, have a Federalist system of government, have a Constitution with the same Bill of Rights, have the same economic status, same problems, and the same motivations. People who are used to being told what to do by their political leaders tend to do what ever they are told to do. Americans won't. Our culture is that if we think something is stupid, we probably won't obey. And that goes as much for the leftists as the Americans.



                  • Klem
                    • Aug 2013
                    • 3520

                    Originally posted by LR1955 View Post

                    What countries have developed their own vaccine and distributed it to the citizens as of yet? I haven't heard of any.

                    Russia has started mass vaccinations in Moscow using the Sputnik V vaccine. Putin ordered it three days ago.

                    It's not that they came up with a vaccine first, it's more that they have abbreviated the safety testing that other countries insist on doing. It's a risk they deem acceptable and a reflection of the sort of society they are. If people come down with strange side effects it will be a disaster. If not, they will have saved a few lives by going early.

                    Greyfox was comparing Trump's Covid credentials with the rest of the world and getting nationalistic at the same time. I look at Trump's acts and omissions and the state of play currently in the US and look at what our leaders have done here in Australia and New Zealand - the difference is stark. Our Prime Minister, similarly has to deal with State Premiers from different political parties and they don't always see eye to eye, but they get along and have a modicum of respect for each other. It has worked so far. For it to work there must also be a common sense of community discipline and subordination for the common good. Again, we are lucky in that respect. The virus keeps coming in but is luckily being caught at the border. Financially, we are hurting like everyone else, but at least we don't have the virus as well.

                    By all means love Trump to death, he's your President.


                    • LR1955
                      Super Moderator
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 3364

                      Originally posted by Klem View Post
                      Russia has started mass vaccinations in Moscow using the Sputnik V vaccine. Putin ordered it three days ago.

                      It's not that they came up with a vaccine first, it's more that they have abbreviated the safety testing that other countries insist on doing. It's a risk they deem acceptable and a reflection of the sort of society they are. If people come down with strange side effects it will be a disaster. If not, they will have saved a few lives by going early.

                      Greyfox was comparing Trump's Covid credentials with the rest of the world and getting nationalistic at the same time. I look at Trump's acts and omissions and the state of play currently in the US and look at what our leaders have done here in Australia and New Zealand - the difference is stark. Our Prime Minister, similarly has to deal with State Premiers from different political parties and they don't always see eye to eye, but they get along and have a modicum of respect for each other. It has worked so far. For it to work there must also be a common sense of community discipline and subordination for the common good. Again, we are lucky in that respect. The virus keeps coming in but is luckily being caught at the border. Financially, we are hurting like everyone else, but at least we don't have the virus as well.

                      By all means love Trump to death, he's your President.

                      You can not compare Australia with the USA because there is no comparison. Not in political structure, social structure, ethnic and religious diversity, and economics. Not in geography and particularly borders. Not in motivation, interests, or much of anything else.

                      If I were a member of a shooting and firearms web site based in Australia, I would never tell their members that their leadership is corrupt or incompetent. And most certainly would never compare their political system and culture to ours and end up saying ours is better because we are X, Y or Z .

                      Enough said. If you want to immigrate here and become a citizen, go for it and once you are a citizen you can hammer our President and system as much as you want.

                      If not, let me ask that you refrain from making further comments about our President.



                      • Klem
                        • Aug 2013
                        • 3520

                        Originally posted by LR1955 View Post

                        You can not compare Australia with the USA because there is no comparison. Not in political structure, social structure, ethnic and religious diversity, and economics. Not in geography and particularly borders. Not in motivation, interests, or much of anything else.

                        If I were a member of a shooting and firearms web site based in Australia, I would never tell their members that their leadership is corrupt or incompetent. And most certainly would never compare their political system and culture to ours and end up saying ours is better because we are X, Y or Z .

                        Enough said. If you want to immigrate here and become a citizen, go for it and once you are a citizen you can hammer our President and system as much as you want.

                        If not, let me ask that you refrain from making further comments about our President.

                        55, let's clarify something please. Do I have the same posting privileges as everyone else or not?

                        The thread is about Donald Trump and as a long term member I want to contribute. I don't think there's any doubt I love guns so there's no 5th column mischievousness about.

                        For the record...Feel free to have a go at Scott Morrison or Jacinta Adern. They don't need my help protecting their reputations and nor is it my place. I believe in free speech.


                        • LR1955
                          Super Moderator
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 3364

                          Originally posted by Klem View Post
                          55, let's clarify something please. Do I have the same posting privileges as everyone else or not?

                          The thread is about Donald Trump and as a long term member I want to contribute. I don't think there's any doubt I love guns so there's no 5th column mischievousness about.

                          For the record...Feel free to have a go at Scott Morrison or Jacinta Adern. They don't need my help protecting their reputations and nor is it my place. I believe in free speech.

                          You have the same posting privileges.

                          I would never criticize your PM if I belonged to a pro gun site owned by an Aussie and located in Australia. I would view myself as a guest to some extent and getting involved in their internal affairs would be inappropriate in my opinion.

                          I have no clue who the two people you mention are and right now our country is on the verge of civil war because of leftists and wannabee Marxists who are threatening violence if we do not give in to their demands.

                          You are not living here and do not see things unfold as we do.



                          • LRRPF52
                            Super Moderator
                            • Sep 2014
                            • 8691

                            3.2% at 21st highest in the world, whereas the Looking at the more developed nations for case fatality rates:If anything, the US should be looked at as a model for being the 3rd highest population in the world, with the 77th position for case fatality rate.
                            NRA Basic, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, RSO

                            CCW, CQM, DM, Long Range Rifle Instructor

                            6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks & chamber brushes can be found here:



                            • Dug Silverman
                              • Apr 2020
                              • 39



                              • BehindEnemyLines
                                • Apr 2019
                                • 54

                                Well said 52.

                                Some other numbers that seem to get lost. People under 70 years of age have a 99.5% survival rate when infected. Those 70 and over? 94.6%. Getting it is not a death sentence.

