Idiots trying to take your 2A rights

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  • FLshooter
    • Jun 2019
    • 1380

    Idiots trying to take your 2A rights

    These are some of the geniuses who are trying to take your Second Amendment rights. The things they say are so stupid it?s pathetic.

  • phishfood
    • Jul 2017
    • 156

    That had the whole family cracking up!


    • Mechnic
      • Jan 2020
      • 28

      I laughed so hard I almost cried.


      • FLshooter
        • Jun 2019
        • 1380

        The video is funny,when you watch it.
        But,when you think about how many brainwashed liberal sheep actually believe that nonsense and vote accordingly,it’s downright scary!


        • LRRPF52
          Super Moderator
          • Sep 2014
          • 8789

          The thing that always gets me is that I've watched this debate since the 1970s.

          First it was "Saturday Night Specials".

          Then it was "Assault Weapons".

          Not once in 4 decades have any of the talking heads, let alone the politicians who focus on disarmament, ever become even halfway informed about basic technical facts about firearms.

          From my vantage point, it appears they are getting less-informed, which parallels what I see coming out of the schools.

          More access to information, unlike anything we've had in history......equals less and less educated people, especially those with college degrees and in positions of influence.

          What is it that is making people dumber in the information access revolution?

          Even proponents of liberty often get basic facts about firearms and the history of firearms in American wrong.

          One of the main false premises we see, including in that video, is that automatic weapons are somehow justifiably evil, should be heavily regulated by an unconstitutional bureaucracy, and that there is no reasonable need to have them.

          We start out with the losing position of a post-1934, 1968, and 1986 America that has been lessened, with a massive chunk of arms missing that were formerly-recognized as valid and without any special permission needed for ownership.

          The premise for that argument made back under the reprehensible administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt was that since the Valentine's Day Massacre of 1929 (during prohibition) was allegedly committed by Al Capone's gangsters against a rival gang, and some of them had Thompson SMGs, then the rest of the Nation should not be allowed to have machine-guns, short-barreled shotguns, short-barreled rifles, and suppressors without undergoing a punitive application process for a stamp tax that was only accessible to the 1% of income earners at the time.

          No explanation can be found for why suppressors were added to the 1934 NFA, with the best guess being that it was meant to thwart poaching at a time when many people were going hungry on a weekly basis, as if bows and arrows didn't exist and suppressor use was somehow a problem.

          The Valentine's Day Massacre case is interesting, because it was painted to the public as a North Side Irish gang struggle with Al Capone's South Side Italians during Prohibition for control over illegal alcohol distribution during that time.

          If you study Prohibition, you'll learn quickly that practically every police department in the US was corrupted almost overnight due to the demand for alcohol and the amount of money involved in the industry. A Teetotaler county was the exception, not the norm. Chicago was especially corrupt as one of the biggest distributions hubs near the Canadian trade routes, just like almost every other major Northern city in the US.

          The Chicago Police had recently suffered one of their officer's sons killed, so they were looking for revenge. Every eye witness described police officers or people dressed as police as the perpetrators of the "massacre", which started out as a routine stop and frisk of the gangsters looking forward to a more peaceful day of spending time with their girls, unaware that they were going to be murdered in cold blood. The men dressed as police lined them up against a wall, and gunned them down.

          One of the Thompson SMGs was allegedly tied to the murder of Al Capone's former employer in New York, according to the police and FBI reports. The whole case was a false flag at some level, even according to the Chicago PD's side of the story. To me, it reeks of suspicious coincidences in a case where they were trying to get Al Capone for something.

          A lot of the Northeastern cities in the US at that time had a strong Irish leadership who had worked their way up after decades of discrimination in the 1860s-forward immigration trends after the Great Potato Famines back in Ireland. Many of these men and families made their way into city and State government, and didn't like the late 1800s-early 1900s waves of Italian and Sicilian immigrants, especially the organized crime syndicates, coming into their turf.

          Police departments under Prohibition quickly purged their ranks of officers who enforced the law, and were staffed with loyalists to various ethnic and multi-ethnic organized crime syndicates, basically becoming protectors and enforcers for rival gangs.

          This is why I find the presence of people wearing police uniforms congruent with the reality of the day in 1929 Chicago.

          At the National level, the socialist FDR was more than happy to use any of the police and organized crime violence as a pretext for assaulting the natural rights of Americans, in violation of the Second Amendment. It has more parallels with how Mexico regulates firearms from regular people while Mexican military, Federales, and local police working for the cartels and fighting turf wars continue their bloodbath.

          The logic used to justify eradication of the 2A in 1934 makes about as much sense as appointing Joseph P. Kennedy as the first Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

          But yeah, the arguments have only gotten dumber. Diane Feinstein has had some real zingers over the years.

          NRA Basic, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, RSO

          CCW, CQM, DM, Long Range Rifle Instructor

          6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks & chamber brushes can be found here:


          • FLshooter
            • Jun 2019
            • 1380

            IMO the politicians are not that stupid.It is all a game to brainwash the sheep. Liberals use the strategy from the book rules for radicals by Saul Alinsky. One of the rules is to disarm the people because defenseless people are easier to control. And they will do it using any means possible including lies.


            • montana
              • Jun 2011
              • 3220

              Originally posted by LRRPF52 View Post
              The thing that always gets me is that I've watched this debate since the 1970s.

              First it was "Saturday Night Specials".

              Then it was "Assault Weapons".

              Not once in 4 decades have any of the talking heads, let alone the politicians who focus on disarmament, ever become even halfway informed about basic technical facts about firearms.

              From my vantage point, it appears they are getting less-informed, which parallels what I see coming out of the schools.

              More access to information, unlike anything we've had in history......equals less and less educated people, especially those with college degrees and in positions of influence.

              What is it that is making people dumber in the information access revolution?

              Even proponents of liberty often get basic facts about firearms and the history of firearms in American wrong.

              One of the main false premises we see, including in that video, is that automatic weapons are somehow justifiably evil, should be heavily regulated by an unconstitutional bureaucracy, and that there is no reasonable need to have them.

              The corruption continues today with international trade deals. Look at the influence the communist Chinese have over our society today, completely endorsed by corrupt politicians and corporate leaders. Never mind the fact they become mega rich with trade deals with a communist nation, that steals, corrupts and influences the destruction of our Republic. The position our slimy representatives has left the US in, has made the US strategically vulnerable through lack of necessary manufacturing capabilities. From antibiotics, lead, strategic minerals, to electrical transformers, the US depends on communist china.. The problem with many gun owners is they tend to be more aware about history, self sufficiency and critical thinking. They are a section of society, "that is not conductive to blindly following orders and impacted by trigger words" implanted' into the sub-conscious by years of media propaganda, entertainment or state funded education. Where else could a society keep re-electing the same people that has allowed their homes and neighbourhoods to become over run with illegal 'foreigners, human excrement, sexual perverts, infected hypodermic needles, hordes of homeless drug addicts and mental patients?

