No. You've taken enough away from us already.

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  • Kswhitetails
    • Oct 2016
    • 1914

    No. You've taken enough away from us already.

    To those who would say that we need more gun control legislation:

    No. You have disarmed us enough already.
    Nothing kills the incentive of men faster than a healthy sense of entitlement. Nothing kills entitlement faster than a healthy sense of achievement.
  • Popeye212
    • Jan 2018
    • 1598

    Amen Brother


    • montana
      • Jun 2011
      • 3240

      +1 There is nothing more that needs to be said, well put ! I couldn't agree more!
      Last edited by montana; 08-05-2019, 12:08 AM.


      • grayfox
        • Jan 2017
        • 4509

        Amen and Amen!!
        I've been pondering, what would a 2Amendmt monitoring patrol look like if I could design one...
        Got some ideas but still thinking. More to come.
        "Down the floor, out the door, Go Brandon Go!!!!!"


        • Kswhitetails
          • Oct 2016
          • 1914

          Originally posted by stanc
          Nice rant. Entertaining, but 99.9% is on topics other than the 2A...
          Re read the first sentence and tell me that again. And be serious Stank. The subject matter is not mutually exclusive.
          Nothing kills the incentive of men faster than a healthy sense of entitlement. Nothing kills entitlement faster than a healthy sense of achievement.


          • bpgast
            • Apr 2019
            • 11

            Agreed Sir! Barely recognize our own state with whats in Topeka now.


            • bakabone25
              • Dec 2016
              • 104

              +1 Very well said


              • NugginFutz
                • Aug 2013
                • 2622

                Originally posted by stanc
                What is a "2Amendmt monitoring patrol"?
                He did say; "More to come..."
                If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?


                • Growler
                  • Jan 2019
                  • 171

                  What value does stirring the pot, sarcasm, and condescension add to any discussion?

                  Considering the common theme of liberty, the OP’s statements are 100% consistent with this topic. Essential liberties don’t exist in isolation, they are interconnected. The Bill of Rights didn’t bestow natural born rights onto us. Instead, the purpose was to remind government of its limits and to decisively establish those limits. Have we forgotten?
                  Last edited by Growler; 08-05-2019, 05:55 PM. Reason: spelling


                  • Kswhitetails
                    • Oct 2016
                    • 1914

                    Stan, allow me to ask a question. Why the simple yet consistent and seemingly permanent tone in your posts here? I haven’t read everything, but I’ve read enough to see this is a forum you peruse and post in regularly. Are you attempting in a passive aggressive way to challenge the thoughts and encourage the improvement of the clarity of the writing of those that post here?

                    You can say whatever you wish, this is America. Last time I checked, the law was clear enough to protect that right.

                    I think most folks that take the bait are insulted by your tone, though that only seems to spur you on. While most of the time you’re technically correct, which is the only important part to you, there are times where your insinuations are rude at best.

                    We’re you picked on for being factually wrong at some point? Did/do you work for a legal think tank?

                    Say whatever you want about my post. It doesn’t bother me. What I find interesting is your continued insistence on throwing your weight into threads that are intended for discussion and wind up getting them closed or locked because they wind up becoming pointless and rude.

                    Be right. Win. But be alone in the end. It’s almost as though this is your goal. The fact is that in my mind these points you claim have nothing to do with the 2a, are in fact perfect examples of why I will always fight to keep them from revoking my right to keep and bear arms. Because they are illustrative of the mindset of those that want to take it from me; From us. And because of that listing them seemed a good way to pint out that I say no you can’t have my 2a for a reason.

                    You’re right, I don’t list in every sentence the way I believe they’re related. I think I kind of hoped the reader could connect those dots themselves. And I know for certain that you can. And did. And do.

                    Love ya man, keep the faith. Good night.
                    Nothing kills the incentive of men faster than a healthy sense of entitlement. Nothing kills entitlement faster than a healthy sense of achievement.


                    • 41bear
                      • Jan 2017
                      • 395

                      Gun free zones, ie soft targets thanks to Joe Biden, have opened the door to the crazies. Like rape it's not about guns it's about control and the left wants it all. Fence sitters, a group that loves to incite yet offer on real answers, only add to the problem.

                      Realistically, with over 300 million guns in play, how would the left really eliminate them all? One only needs to look at Chicago, NYC, and other Democratic controlled areas to see their results.
                      "Wild flower, growin' thru the cracks in the street" - Problem Child by Little Big Town


                      • NugginFutz
                        • Aug 2013
                        • 2622

                        Originally posted by Kswhitetails View Post
                        Stan, allow me to ask a question. Why the simple yet consistent and seemingly permanent tone in your posts here? I haven’t read everything, but I’ve read enough to see this is a forum you peruse and post in regularly. Are you attempting in a passive aggressive way to challenge the thoughts and encourage the improvement of the clarity of the writing of those that post here?

                        You can say whatever you wish, this is America. Last time I checked, the law was clear enough to protect that right.

                        I think most folks that take the bait are insulted by your tone, though that only seems to spur you on. While most of the time you’re technically correct, which is the only important part to you, there are times where your insinuations are rude at best.

                        We’re you picked on for being factually wrong at some point? Did/do you work for a legal think tank?

                        Say whatever you want about my post. It doesn’t bother me. What I find interesting is your continued insistence on throwing your weight into threads that are intended for discussion and wind up getting them closed or locked because they wind up becoming pointless and rude.

                        Be right. Win. But be alone in the end. It’s almost as though this is your goal. The fact is that in my mind these points you claim have nothing to do with the 2a, are in fact perfect examples of why I will always fight to keep them from revoking my right to keep and bear arms. Because they are illustrative of the mindset of those that want to take it from me; From us. And because of that listing them seemed a good way to pint out that I say no you can’t have my 2a for a reason.

                        You’re right, I don’t list in every sentence the way I believe they’re related. I think I kind of hoped the reader could connect those dots themselves. And I know for certain that you can. And did. And do.

                        Love ya man, keep the faith. Good night.
                        It sesms you’ve struck a nerve, kswt. He’s deleted all of his posts from the thread.
                        If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?


                        • LR1955
                          Super Moderator
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 3378


                          Stan does not believe in God. You fellows talk about freedom all the time. He is free to believe or not believe.

                          If you want to start an argument with him about it, it will end up with me locking another 2A thread.



                          • grayfox
                            • Jan 2017
                            • 4509

                            point well taken and for that I agree. However, it is also fair to say one should not pick arguments with those who do believe in God either. This freedom and respect should work both ways. Even one who does not believe could conceivably agree to disagree and leave that part of the discussion at that...
                            "Down the floor, out the door, Go Brandon Go!!!!!"


                            • StoneHendge
                              • May 2016
                              • 2067

                              Let's go Brandon!

