TTP's Winning the 2A Battle

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  • LR1955
    Super Moderator
    • Mar 2011
    • 3365

    TTP's Winning the 2A Battle

    OK Guys:

    A number asked to start a thread where we can present a strategy for winning the 2A battle.

    Tactics, Techniques, Procedures.

    I will kick it off with what I have been saying all along. Give up on the 'perfect world' and start electing pro gun politicians then force them to legislate pro gun laws and if in such a position, select judges who are strict Constitutionalists.

    No more 'we can't win' stuff. Now is the time to actually propose something that wins the battles and war.

  • JASmith
    • Sep 2014
    • 1633

    Excellent start!


    To clarify, is the suggested strategy one of electing pro-gun polititicians and following up by obliging them to enact legislation enabling and protecting our rights? (May seem obvious, but we sometimes need to articulate to eliminate potential confusion.)

    I tried to think of others strategies,but for now, the ones I could think of seem to be more on line of tactics to enable the strategy.

    "To those who have fought and almost died for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."
    -- Author Unknown

    "If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished!" -- Milton Berle


    • montana
      • Jun 2011
      • 3220

      The Montana Shooting Sports Association is a good place to get ideas on how to run a successful pro gun organization for your local area.

      Offer to take new people shooting, especially fence sitters. Don't assume firearm knowledge we take for granted is universal, it is not. Most anti-gun people have zero knowledge about guns. Most of their firearm knowledge comes from movies, TV or the hype from the leftist anti gun org. and media.

      Get involved and don't be afraid to engage with people on this subject. Expose the lies and hypes spewed by the anti's. Dont be silent when the topic comes up. We still have the First Amendment, so use it.

      Get women involved with shooting. I have seen a huge increase with female competitors compared to just a decade ago. I was one of the first competitors to get my wife involved in Practical shooting. The others noticed how much fun we had together and started doing the same. Besides it is more fun competing for limited shooting purchases with your wife and family than it is to justify it.


      • montana
        • Jun 2011
        • 3220

        Here is a way they are using the lefts tactics against anti gun laws LOL.


        • 98Z
          • Jan 2018
          • 167

          Get your kids, friends, neighbors, and anyone you know to an Appleseed Shoot. Seriously.

          Start "training" people in that manner, from an outside source (i.e., not "you"). Let them hear it from others. Not only will you get one of the best history lessons of your life, ... you'll learn some pretty good marksmanship skills.

          Start with yourself, if you haven't been to one.

          They're everywhere, no excuse...

