If you are legal to carry, please do, it is important

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  • Double Naught Spy
    • Sep 2013
    • 2606

    Originally posted by Armadillo66 View Post
    I appreciate you guys position
    I am 65yrs old, generally only BS about the size of fish I catch and pretty women flirting with me
    I am no expert, Double Naught Spy seems to be better informed than me, his bashing me is neither here or there to me, I will pay attention to what my friend told me
    I know the man who told me to be vigilant and prepared is a really good guy, I knew his dad through thick and thin before he died
    Personally I carry most of the time anyway, although I might throw an AR and some mags in the toolbox of my truck, I generally figure my biggest problem would be someone trying to carjack me in the Wal Mart parking lot.
    There is lots going on right now. Some really big players with seriously crooked political crap around them are going down. We already know that those kind of people will do about anything for a distraction and have the money to make it happen.
    Shit on me all you want, I just passed something I thought was relevant folks should watch out for.
    I really hope it is nothing to be concerned about
    At least provide a cogent argument that what you are saying is real. Vague references to something bad happening at some time in the future, some place, by some people and then invoking politics, Trump, really crooked politicians (like they haven't always been around), riots, conspiracy, hush-hush intelligence source, etc. with the repeated invocations that you really hope nothing is going to happen doesn't actually provide anything useful. Nothing you have described sounds different than how things were 6 days ago, 6 weeks ago, 6 months ago, or 6 years ago. Aside from naming Trump, what you have said could have been said at just about any time since the late 1940s and seem just as valid or invalid. All you have done is thrown out a few hot button topics and said to get ready.
    Kill a hog. Save the planet.
    My videos - https://www.youtube.com/user/HornHillRange


    • LR1955
      Super Moderator
      • Mar 2011
      • 3365

      Originally posted by Armadillo66 View Post
      Ok, not trying to stir crap or spread any crazy BS here. I have Zero Proof, Zero time frame info, nothing but only a really square up professional guy telling me this, so here goes.
      I had a guy I know, works high end corporate security consulting saw me today at a friend's wedding.
      Told me to please carry my handgun, with extra mags and to spread the word to like minded individuals to be observant and pay close attention to things out in public in the next few weeks.
      He said intel he has seen indicates that there may be some serious terror events meant to be false flag distractions from some of the legal stuff going down.
      He said "when desperate folks agenda is cornered, they do dangerous stuff in retaliation and to distract the public from other important things"
      Some of the stuff about rioting in the streets if Trump fires Mueller or Rosenstein, he said is MSM BS meant to get idiots out into the streets and be triggered vagina heads, But what he wanted to point out was that intel about the kind of terror activities that are very dangerous and very public happenings is out.
      He asked me to please carry and be observant, and spread the word to like minded folks to be well armed, be vigilant and observe their surroundings carefully in the coming weeks.
      His background was a highly trained Marine recon & special warfare operator and Navy Intelligence guy, now retired and working corporate security consulting and would not have said anything if he were not genuinely concerned about his country's security and citizen's safety. Most times I run into him we have beers, lots of laughs and he always tells me, "my job is pretty boring considering I can't really discuss it"
      I pray this is nothing, but know that some of you guys would be grateful for a heads up.
      Pray for our President, he needs our support

      I am locking this thread.

      Do not, ever, post such paranoid, conspiratorial garbage on the Grendel Forum again.


