Shut Her Down

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  • keystone183
    • Mar 2013
    • 592

    Shut Her Down

    I realize this is the 2a room and not the 1a room, but come on. What use is it to have a forum for discussion when all it is, is an echo chamber?
  • JASmith
    • Sep 2014
    • 1633

    I cannot speak for the moderators, but we have tried to keep this forum focused on the cartridge and related issues.

    The 2A forum was, I believe reluctantly, included to give some space to discuss a topic critical to our continued use of rifles for hunting and self defense.

    I surmise the most recently closed thread was shut down because the moderator recognized a pattern forming that our common experience shows will quickly spiral into useless back and forth shouting with no real added content.

    My own observation is that these back and forth shouting matches are best described as "echo chambers" rather than valid explorations of issues. Hence I strongly concur with the thread closure.
    Last edited by JASmith; 11-11-2016, 12:53 PM.

    "To those who have fought and almost died for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."
    -- Author Unknown

    "If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished!" -- Milton Berle


    • keystone183
      • Mar 2013
      • 592

      I haven't been around this forum as long as most (although, judging by the growth lately...maybe i have!!!), so i don't know the rich and colorful history of everything and everybody. But to my seems when an opinion is expressed that a mod(certain) disagrees with....Zappo. So it would seem, if there is only one opinion allowed, then there is no need for discussion of it!

      I am certainly in agreement that obnoxious shouting matches (as much fun as they may be) don't do anything to further understanding or inspire thought and so certainly don't have a place on this board of all places. But that can be accomplished in ways other than simply squashing discussion (meaningful back and forth) altogether.


      • JASmith
        • Sep 2014
        • 1633

        I understand -- but I will vouch that all of the moderators are tolerant of diverse opinions.

        Some posters, however, are unwilling to go with honest give and take and often engage in troll-like behavior. The worst offenders are no longer participating in the forum. Even so, the occasional public reminder, e. g., closing a thread that is obviously turning into the wrong kind of discussion, is needed.

        "To those who have fought and almost died for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."
        -- Author Unknown

        "If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished!" -- Milton Berle


        • LRRPF52
          Super Moderator
          • Sep 2014
          • 8791


          The real purpose of this forum is to help share information related to the 6.5 Grendel. It isn't meant to be a general discussion or political forum, because that distracts from 6.5 Grendel.

          We didn't have a 2A forum for a long time, and it was with reluctance and caution that the 2A forum was even added.

          There are plenty of forums where one can go to sling insults at each other back and forth, but that is way outside of the scope of this one.
          NRA Basic, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, RSO

          CCW, CQM, DM, Long Range Rifle Instructor

          6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks & chamber brushes can be found here:


          • keystone183
            • Mar 2013
            • 592

            Totally agree on the sentiments. Thus the title of my post! Simply not needed, if there isn't going to be discussion!

            ETA - Which i'm totally fine with. I know where those other forums are!


            • LRRPF52
              Super Moderator
              • Sep 2014
              • 8791

              The 2A forum here was meant more for notifications about pending legislation and movements we can support to increase or protect our bearing of arms rights, if I understood correctly.

              The fundamental assumption on a gun board specific to the AR15 and repeating firearms is that everyone here supports the ownership of these arms.

              We do have many members who live outside the US, and I always look forward to their unique perspectives and experiences with hunting, suppressors, hand-loading, and activities unique to their regions.

              Many of the posts I have submitted here have been from abroad-usually Finland. It's always funny to see how lax the laws are in certain countries regarding suppressors, while obtaining firearms legally is a cumbersome process compared to the US, but our government (in the wake of FDR's landmark NFA legislation) treats suppressors like some kind of assassin's tool that will rot your soul if you touch one.
              NRA Basic, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, RSO

              CCW, CQM, DM, Long Range Rifle Instructor

              6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks & chamber brushes can be found here:



              • montana
                • Jun 2011
                • 3220

                This isn't the first time I have contributed to a thread lock up. The post was about hope and I posted a video about the opposition having crying fits, which was meant as a humorous post but in reflection it did get off topic and I apologize to the members. LR 1955 keeps this forum civil and does an outstanding job and it is his call to moderate it which I support 100%. The quality of this forum speaks for itself.


                • stanc
                  • Apr 2011
                  • 3430

                  Originally posted by montana View Post
                  This isn't the first time I have contributed to a thread lock up. The post was about hope and I posted a video about the opposition having crying fits, which was meant as a humorous post but in reflection it did get off topic and I apologize to the members.
                  Tom, as far as I'm concerned, you did nothing which warrants an apology. I found the video rather funny, and I'd wager most everyone else here did, too.

                  And most opinion threads go off topic to one degree or another.

                  LR 1955 keeps this forum civil and does an outstanding job and it is his call to moderate it which I support 100%.
                  Being pro liberty and freedom, I've never cared for the idea of having moderators. However, I concur with your statement.


                  • bwaites
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 4445

                    As the longest moderator, I greatly appreciate the help that LRRPF52 and LR1955 provide. I very carefully chose them and recommended them as moderators after long consideration of their posts and contributions to the board and I deeply respect their judgement. I don't thank them publicly near enough!

                    LRRPF52 did a great job of explaining this part of the forum, and while we allow some diversion, we try to avoid the acrimony that all too many forums experience. This is a good place, and we hope to keep it so.

                    I want to thank both of them, especially today, Veterans Day, for their many years of service to our country, and say that I am proud to call them friends.

                    I also want to thank all our members for making this such a good and educational place!
                    Last edited by bwaites; 11-11-2016, 08:51 PM.


                    • Klem
                      • Aug 2013
                      • 3557

                      I've lurked in the 2A part of the forum for a while now after being soundly beaten by others who have righteous views on religion and the USA. I work in a place where robust argument is a daily occurrence and no-one takes umbrage. It's just 'business as usual' - what we get paid to do. What I find almost amusing and not worth getting upset about is how every poster is so committed to their opinions that there is no real discussion at all. There is no give and take as everyone's views are utterly internalised, including the moderators. In that sense it is quite harmless really. I'm not going to convince anyone else except those who already agree with me. Anyone else with a different opinion is not going to convince anyone else either, except those who agree with them. As long as everyone realises that is the state of play then the 2A section is like our avatar profiles, we each state our position on something. We each learn a little more about each other and then the thread gets closed.

                      It's a harmless distraction from endless technical discussions on other parts of the forums. I find these opinions humanise the avatars we have. As long as we respect the right of others to hold a different opinion and keep a modicum of civility then its all pretty harmless. When the thread gets closed it's as much about stopping it from becoming boring and repetitious as it is about breaking up a fight.

                      All good, and thoughts to everyone on Remembrance Day (Armistice day); The eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month...Lest we forget.


                      • LR1955
                        Super Moderator
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 3365


                        I did not close that thread because of Montana's video posting. Far from my decision process. And I didn't close it because of Stan.

                        I closed it because it was heading towards another religious war on the Grendel forum.

                        No, I don't blame Stan either. He does not believe in a divine power and will respond immediately to comments that have a religious foundation.

                        Having been through religious wars on this and other forums, I know how much they will divide people so I stopped it before it happened.

                        So, there you have it.



                        • sneaky one
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 3077

                          Good call Gene.
                          Lets all chill for a few days. Calm down,,,,, Religion is not part of the grendels being- outcome- etc. Its a rifle cartridge for - Gods sake..

                          If you knew Stans situation- -- You would sing a different song. Be happy of who You Are. No Jokeys this time.

                          I'm off to hunt whitetail deer now.

                          I hope all the Vets had a decent day, today. A big thanks to all of them- gals & gents.
                          Last edited by sneaky one; 11-11-2016, 11:28 PM.


                          • stanc
                            • Apr 2011
                            • 3430

                            Originally posted by LR1955 View Post

                            I did not close that thread because of Montana's video posting. Far from my decision process. And I didn't close it because of Stan.

                            I closed it because it was heading towards another religious war on the Grendel forum.

                            No, I don't blame Stan either. He does not believe in a divine power and will respond immediately to comments that have a religious foundation.

                            Having been through religious wars on this and other forums, I know how much they will divide people so I stopped it before it happened.

                            So, there you have it.
                            Yeah, I was pretty sure that was the reason. I shall try to refrain from making similar comments in the future.


                            • 204 AR
                              • Sep 2015
                              • 239

                              I actually agree with part C of Stans reply to my post. Though I didn't say it in that post I have said it elsewhere and it's obvious the libs aren't going away.

                              As for part A and B I can't agree. But if I remain here I will also refrain from making similar comments. I do believe in non-believers' rights to voice their opinion, but am always curious when they feel the need to silence believers.

                              So this and my other post aren't meant to antagonize, nor do I feel ill will towards any other member. If there was something written in the rules somewhere about a ban on religious references I apologize for missing it.

