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  • jonny rotton
    • Dec 2015
    • 358

    thanks to all who got off our butts and voted those bastards out of office. it is time to retake OUR country.


    • JASmith
      • Sep 2014
      • 1633

      Originally posted by montana View Post
      ...The left has an almost cult like mentality where logic and reasoning is not a part of the universe. This battle is definitely not over but we did just win a big one
      Montana, many thanks!

      I have have been searching for a succint statement describing the observed behavior. Yours Is very close to the mark.

      "To those who have fought and almost died for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."
      -- Author Unknown

      "If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished!" -- Milton Berle


      • TomSawyerNW
        • Nov 2015
        • 225

        Count me in!
        If the Democrats had been in power when this country was founded, we'd be the British.


        • SHORT-N-SASSY
          • Apr 2013
          • 629

          Originally posted by LRRPF52 View Post
          . . . On the other hand, we have a President Elect who is the only one I know of that formed a 2A coalition headed by some of the top freedom-loving names in the industry. . . .
          Trump Launches 2nd Amendment Coalition During Last Leg of Race https://www.range365.com/trump-launc...-last-leg-race


          • Texas
            • Jun 2016
            • 1230

            First of all, I am GREATFUL to GOD that the election turned out with Donald Trump to be our President.

            Secondly, if I understand his stance on the Second Amendment, He needs to propose legislation to remove the National Firearms Act of 1934, and the Firearm Owner's Protection Act of 1986 because of the limitations it places on firearm ownership of law abiding citizens. In particular, read the last sentence of the quote

            From his website:

            "Second Amendment

            View Mr. Trump's position, here.

            Defend the Second Amendment of our Constitution.

            The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.

            Nominate United States Supreme Court justices that will abide by the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States that includes upholding the Second Amendment.
            Enforce the laws on the books. We need to get serious about prosecuting violent criminals.
            Expand and bring back programs like Project Exile and get gang members and drug dealers off the street. When we do, crime will go down and our cities and communities will be safer places to live.

            Empower law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves. Law enforcement does a tremendous job, but they can’t be everywhere all of the time.

            Fix our broken mental health system. All of the tragic mass murders that occurred in the past several years have something in common – there were red flags that were ignored. We can’t allow that to continue. We must expand treatment programs, and reform the laws to make it easier to take preventive action to save innocent lives. Most people with mental health problems are not violent, but just need help, and these reforms will help everyone.
            Defend the rights of law-abiding gun owners:
            Military bases and recruiting centers - to have a strong military, we need to allow them to defend themselves
            National right to carry – should be legal in all 50 states
            Background checks - we need to fix the system we have and make it work as intended. What we don’t need to do is expand a broken system.
            Gun and magazine bans - the government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own"


            • Klem
              • Aug 2013
              • 3557

              Normally I stay out of the 2A section but I've got to say as an outsider I didn't see that coming. Wiped $30b off our stock market overnight. People here are wondering how can a country of 360million people field two such flawed leaders. is money, connections and a healthy ego the only criteria for election?...Scary.

              Well, you got the better of the two for your guns anyway. And you should hang on to your rights otherwise you'll end up like us, gun privileges only.

              Not trolling, but the religious fervour including pictures of this clown on a horse had me rolling my eyes. "Grab em by the p*ssy!" Once the honeymoon is over you do realise you're stuck with him. Like I said, not much of a choice.


              • 204 AR
                • Sep 2015
                • 239

                Well I guess maybe it's harder for and outsider to see. I'm only 43 but I remember Free America in the 80's. Yes there were flaws.

                Then came the Clintons. Scandal after scandal, mysterious deaths, the so called assault weapons ban that did nothing but ban flash hiders, bayonet lugs, and mags larger than 10 rnds. BTW that law is almost single handedly responsible for the popularity of ar15's today imo. But I digress.

                Then 9-11 came and we saw more freedom ripped away in the name of safety and security. The patriot act, the tsa groping people "randomly" at airports. NSA monitoring phones and storing data.

                Then not 4 but 8 years of the most liberal president anyone can remember. Monitoring speech, everything said against someone that may happen to be a minority is hate speech. Meanwhile they can call me (white male, gasp!) a redneck, racist, teabagger, any name they can think of and it's fine, they are just venting their frustration and white males are the only un-protected class of citizen so it's not hate speech or a hate crime. Whitey just keep paying in to the govt so the welfare checks don't get interrupted. Kids getting thrown out of school for chewing a pop tart in the shape of a gun. Wear an NRA shirt to school? Well figure on getting thrown out.

                So I voted loud and proud for Trump, in the primary and the general. Yeah he's said some pretty wild things. If someone recorded everything I said I wouldn't want my mom to hear it either. Possibly we will be disappointed, but that has happened with every president since 1988. This guy is not a mealy mouthed politically correct used car salesman that panders to every minority group who believe they need special treatment. A man needs an opportunity to earn his own way in the world, whatever his race or creed. And that's all he needs or deserves. I respect any person who takes care of his/her own needs and the needs of their family, regardless of what demographic they fall into. The truly helpless are in a different category and I have no problem doing my part to help them. But they are a small minority of the people who are collecting. I also have no problem with temporary help to those who have fallen on un-foreseen hard times or tragedy.

                As for the religious reference, well Trump is a sinner, as are all of us. So were all of Jesus' apostles. The secular progressives that are ruling this country at the moment have turned everything upside down and are trying to re-write the history books. Everything we know to be right is now wrong. Everything we know to be wrong is now right. The fact they aren't allowed to continue this movement going forward is nothing short of a miracle from God.


                • montana
                  • Jun 2011
                  • 3220

                  Originally posted by Klem View Post
                  Normally I stay out of the 2A section but I've got to say as an outsider I didn't see that coming. Wiped $30b off our stock market overnight. People here are wondering how can a country of 360million people field two such flawed leaders. is money, connections and a healthy ego the only criteria for election?...Scary.

                  Well, you got the better of the two for your guns anyway. And you should hang on to your rights otherwise you'll end up like us, gun privileges only.

                  Not trolling, but the religious fervour including pictures of this clown on a horse had me rolling my eyes. "Grab em by the p*ssy!" Once the honeymoon is over you do realise you're stuck with him. Like I said, not much of a choice.
                  Our markets closed at almost record highs and atheist get my eyes rolling so we'll skip those subjects LOL . Thanks to the Clinton crime organization and supporters, many people thought they were going to be witnessing the destruction of our Republic and the Coup De Grace of our Second Amendment by a stacked Supreme Court. We could discuss religion, politics and political leaders but the point of this thread was about hope and we now have some. You stated we didn't have much of a choice, "I disagree" we had only one choice and it was an easy choice.
                  Last edited by montana; 11-11-2016, 05:38 AM.


                  • Drillboss
                    • Jan 2015
                    • 894

                    204, that's about the most complete and succinct discussion of American politics for the last 30 years that I've seen. Well said.

                    I had been thinking about my own political essay, but now I just need to add another point to yours.

                    I feel that this election had more to do with Supreme Court justices than it did with the President. The second amendment to the Constitution is the one we talk about the most, but the other nine included in the Bill of Rights have been in similar jeopardy. Personally, I'd like to see more attention paid to the tenth amendment and to see more powers reserved and returned to the states and quit expecting the federal government to solve all of mankind's problems. Hopefully, this administration can move in that direction.


                    • SHORT-N-SASSY
                      • Apr 2013
                      • 629

                      Originally posted by Klem View Post
                      . . . And you should hang on to your [Second Amendment] rights, otherwise you'll end up like . . .
                      The hapless victim in this shocking video (http://ktla.com/2016/11/10/disturbin...nt-vote-trump/) --- after eight years of Obama's "Hope and Change."


                      • stanc
                        • Apr 2011
                        • 3430

                        Originally posted by Klem View Post
                        Normally I stay out of the 2A section but I've got to say as an outsider I didn't see that coming. Wiped $30b off our stock market overnight. People here are wondering how can a country of 360million people field two such flawed leaders. is money, connections and a healthy ego the only criteria for election?...Scary.

                        Well, you got the better of the two for your guns anyway. And you should hang on to your rights otherwise you'll end up like us, gun privileges only.

                        Not trolling, but the religious fervour including pictures of this clown on a horse had me rolling my eyes. "Grab em by the p*ssy!" Once the honeymoon is over you do realise you're stuck with him. Like I said, not much of a choice.
                        I agree. We had two New York liberals, and the one who was elected not only repeatedly displayed the emotional maturity of a juvenile, but was a longtime friend of, and donor to, the other candidate, in addition to being a proponent of an assault weapons ban prior to seeking the Republican nomination.

                        We'll just have to wait and see if his current pro-2A stance proves genuine, and not just a con job to get support for his campaign.


                        • stanc
                          • Apr 2011
                          • 3430

                          Originally posted by 204 AR View Post
                          As for the religious reference, well Trump is a sinner, as are all of us. So were all of Jesus' apostles. The secular progressives that are ruling this country at the moment have turned everything upside down and are trying to re-write the history books. Everything we know to be right is now wrong. Everything we know to be wrong is now right. The fact they aren't allowed to continue this movement going forward is nothing short of a miracle from God.
                          a. Please speak for yourself, not for all of us. I consider sin to be invented nonsense, and I know there are others who think similarly.

                          b. The defeat of Hillary -- who got more of the popular vote than Trump -- was due to the electoral college system, not a miracle from God.

                          c. The liberal progressives have not been permanently stopped. They will keep pursuing their agenda, and in time the political pendulum will swing their way again.


                          • montana
                            • Jun 2011
                            • 3220


                            Just a little humor

                            The reason we have hope
                            Last edited by montana; 11-11-2016, 07:52 AM.


                            • LR1955
                              Super Moderator
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 3365

                              Man, that didn't take long to self destruct.

