Prepare for the worst,,,I fear its coming

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  • JASmith
    • Sep 2014
    • 1633

    Originally posted by Wonk View Post
    ... Oh wait, I forgot, we're guaranteed free speech in the Constitution.
    ...and the 2nd Amendment gives the gaurantee that this 1st Amendment protection and all the other protections in the Bill of Rights remain intact.

    "To those who have fought and almost died for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."
    -- Author Unknown

    "If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished!" -- Milton Berle


    • Wonk
      • Feb 2015
      • 61

      Originally posted by JASmith View Post
      ...and the 2nd Amendment gives the gaurantee that this 1st Amendment protection and all the other protections in the Bill of Rights remain intact.
      You wouldn't feel this way if you would only drink their cool-aid.


      • ah1whiskey
        • Sep 2015
        • 255

        Originally posted by Wonk View Post
        You wouldn't feel this way if you would only drink their cool-aid.
        thats what jim jones said at jonestown---lol


        • SHORT-N-SASSY
          • Apr 2013
          • 629

          Originally posted by SHORT-N-SASSY View Post
          Sound advice. But, after eight years of a sustained divide-and-conquer strategy, is that enough? I'm concerned:
          Police Chief: Revolution Coming If Obama Tries to Disarm American People (;
          Sheriff Warns of Second Revolution if Guns Are Banned (
          I today sent the following e-mail-appeal to my U.S. Senator:

          "America's gun-free zones: Terrorists' favorite killing field

          "Dear Senator:

          "Wikipedia defines 'Assault rifle': 'An assault rifle is a fully automatic, selective-fire rifle . . .'

          "The Colt AR-15, on the other hand --- and numerous variations on the theme --- is a semi-automatic hunting-target rifle favored by millions of law-abiding Americans, for legal sporting purposes.

          "Yet, today's Liberal media and the Democrat's candidate for the next President of the United States continue to bite what would appear to be terrorists' bait to disarm America --- (

          "I urge you to safeguard America's right to bear arms, including America's favorite (and media-maligned): The AR-15. Thank you.



          • SHORT-N-SASSY
            • Apr 2013
            • 629

            "They'd rather blame you as a law-abiding gun owner than make Obama answer for his failures in the global war on terror." --- (

            Scroll down the Page to, Clinton Refuses to Say Second Amendment Protects Individual Right, Friday, June 10, 2016
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

            ETA: Let's not let this young lady down ---

            Last edited by SHORT-N-SASSY; 06-16-2016, 05:53 AM.


            • dammitman
              • Dec 2012
              • 649

              i am gonna go ahead and predict that their will be in the next year or two a registration of all ar15 and what is called "assault weapon" style firearms. yep, its a commin. that way they are saying they are not taking away any "rights" overall just like full auto firearms are really not taken away, just registered for everyones protection. i see it commin. of course they will ask for any semi auto pistols too and we will fight againsted the whole thing and "compromise" for just the rifles.
              Last edited by dammitman; 06-16-2016, 07:08 PM.


              • 37L1
                • Jan 2015
                • 274

                Look at California and New York. That's what's coming.


                • Drift
                  • Nov 2014
                  • 509

                  How am I ever gonna register AR lowers I make myself? If I gotta engrave a serial # on them how will the government ever know I'm not making more and just putting the same serial number on them all?
                  When I was in the service I was told "never give an order that you know won't followed". I suspect few of us will comply with registration or the coming ban.


                  • 204 AR
                    • Sep 2015
                    • 239

                    Registering millions of AR's and AK's would be a monumental task. Probably need to appoint a Gun Czar for that one and hire 50000 new employees for us to pay for. Of course the new $1k per gun excise tax would be levied to pay for it.

                    I can't believe the bizarro world we live in.


                    • dammitman
                      • Dec 2012
                      • 649

                      no kidding a huge task, and imagine the REVENUE that it would generate if they include the $200.00 tax stamp to this. for the goverment it would be a no brainer. and to this countries population who is demanding that we "do something" about the killing, also a no brainer. and for those who wish to think they just wont fall inline and register theirs, fine!!! complete a 80% lower and just dont register it,,again FINE!!!! but dont get caught with it, thus you will become a felon and while you sit in the jail cell they obtain a court order to search your home for the rest of your guns, ammo and whatever else they deem a felon shouldnt own. all with the blessing of the majority of the supreme court now full of liberal judges. so dont register but dont be able to use it anywhere, it will draw attention. what a chess game we are in. this election is serious but in the end it wont matter,,,,,,


                      • 204 AR
                        • Sep 2015
                        • 239

                        My thoughts exactly on what would happen to the people that don't register and keep them hidden. You couldn't possibly ever take it out and use it so it becomes worthless to me.


                        • bwaites
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 4445

                          They couldn't make gun registration work in Canada, the can't make it work in Connecticut. Both an infinitesimally smaller scale than the entire US. Why would you think it would be possible nationwide? Making guns more expensive with taxes? Yeah, that might be possible.


                          • ah1whiskey
                            • Sep 2015
                            • 255

                            easy answer -- don't let islamic radicals in and deport all who show signs of trouble.

                            everybody involved with omar was calling the FBI-- yet THEY did nothing---

                            wonder why that was??


                            • SHORT-N-SASSY
                              • Apr 2013
                              • 629




                              • dammitman
                                • Dec 2012
                                • 649

                                It is done here with NFA items, they will add to that.

