Another Okie

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  • wideglidejoe
    • Dec 2014
    • 82

    Another Okie

    I'm Joe, and I ride Harley's, therefore the username wideglidejoe. I'm wideglidejoe on several other forums; Harley's, hot rod cars, Kimbers,, etc., and ebay/PayPal.

    I started hunting with my dad when I was very young, probably 4 or so, he carried me on his shoulders when I got tired of keeping up with him and his hounds. My dad was a squirrel and coon hunter where I grew up in southern OK. I shot my first squirrel when I was 5 or 6, he held the forearm of his .22 and allowed me to manage the buttstock, aim and pull the trigger. I still have that .22 of his, he's gone on now.

    Anyway, I'm 62 now, I've hunted all my life, several species in several states, starting with rifle, then bow, then handgun (mostly big-bore revolvers and Thompson Center Contenders), then finally blackpowder arms. I'm CCW'd, my EDC is a Kimber 5" .45.

    I've just recently gotten interested in the 6.5 Grendel. I first got acquainted with "black rifles" in 1971, with Uncle Sam & a M16A1. Fast forward to a few years ago, I bought a Colt LE6920, that led to a S&W .22LR AR for the wife, kids and grandkids to shoot. Then a 5.56 Stag 3GH upper and put it on another brand lower, it has a 18" SS fluted bbl, and a Leupold Mark AR w/mil dot. Recently I finished out a 80% lower with a Geiselle S3G and added a Sig SB15 brace and a 10.5" barrel for my first complete build as an AR 5.56 pistol.

    So now I'm interested in something other than 5.56 and .22 LR in an AR. After reading a lot of stuff in a lot of places, I think I've landed at the 6.5 Grendel, so that's why I joined here. I've been reloading since '75, and I've messed with some wildcats, so I'm not intimidated with unusual stuff, fireforming cases, etc.

    My plan is to learn all I can from y'all, then finish another 80% lower (on my Santa list) and build a 6.5 upper, and have some fun.

    Sorry this got so long! My wife tells me I talk too much..............
  • LRRPF52
    Super Moderator
    • Sep 2014
    • 8983

    Welcome aboard. Thanks for your service, and what branch were you? You're going to really enjoy this cartridge, and fill out your stable nicely. Just be prepared for it to be confiscated by the wife/younguns.
    NRA Basic, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, RSO

    CCW, CQM, DM, Long Range Rifle Instructor

    6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks & chamber brushes can be found here:


    • olde sarge
      • May 2014
      • 248

      Welcome. This a very knowledgeable group of people. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy.


      • wideglidejoe
        • Dec 2014
        • 82

        LRRPF52 & olde sarge,

        Thanks for the welcomes!!

        US Army and Army Reserves, '71-'79, Staff Sgt E-6. Thanks to my dad (he was a WWII Army vet), and his teaching me all things about firearms, I was able to qualify as Expert with M16A1 & .45 auto at Ft Knox, KY.


        • rabiddawg
          • Feb 2013
          • 1664

          Welcome to the board. You wont find a more helpful group anywhere.
          Knowing everthing isnt as important as knowing where to find it.

          Mark Twain


          • am4966
            • Jul 2014
            • 1036

            Welcome, bunch of great guys here. Oh there are two reloading handbooks that has some great info in it. You can get them from
            12.5" SBR Grendel - Need Barrel
            Surge - Rugged Suppressor
            Been a fan of the Grendel from the very beginning and haven't second guessed that choice one time.

            Aim small, miss small!


            • Lakeray
              • Nov 2014
              • 38

              Welcome from the centrel part of the state. This is a great group of people here...


              • deadeyerick
                • Apr 2013
                • 77

                Welcome. I was born in OK, Fort Sill. (now in a Chicago suburb) This is a good forum, lots of info


                • NugginFutz
                  • Aug 2013
                  • 2622

                  Welcome to the Horde, wide glide. It warms the heart to read your words about the experiences shared with your father. It is ever so important to kids everywhere that they have the opportunity to build memories with their dads. Your recollections are proof of that.

                  After you get your 80% built, please don't hesitate to chime in and share your journey.
                  If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?


                  • wideglidejoe
                    • Dec 2014
                    • 82

                    Thanks for the add'l replies/welcomes!

                    I forgot to mention in my intro that I joined the NRA in the 70's as an annual member because I couldn't afford a life membership, and I've been a member ever since. At my age now, I may as well stay annual!?!?!

