New guy from Minnesota

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  • #16
    7.62x40WT eh.

    Of all the 30 caliber in a small case examples that I've read about, that is the only one that A) Made me remotely consider owning one and B) Seemed designed best to be able to milk as much performance as possible from such a small, ubiquitous, parent case.

    I'm not narrow minded, but I can not see all the attraction to the 300 AAC other than being an experiment in aggressive marketing that really worked out for the manufacturers and dealers. Is the 7.62x40WT design restrictively licensed? That probably does not matter as we all know doing that would never keep a great caliber from gaining wide acceptance.



    • #17
      I don't believe it is. From the research I've done, I'm pretty sure Bill Wilson made it a non-proprietary shell. I also think I've got a magazine where he gives the info on where to get the tooling for it. It was a toss up between the 7.62wt and 300BO when I made it. I never shot a blk, but from researching both I decided Wilson's was for me. A lil more fps and energy, plus I have no need for sub-sonics.


      • #18
        Not to monopolize the thread, but does making brass simply involve annealing and stretching with a die or is fire forming involved? I don't have a problem with the latter as I did a lot lot of that making 300 OSSM brass out of 25 WSSM while I was into that caliber. Heck of a caliber also. Any issues with donut rings? Perhaps it's better discussed out of this thread.



        • BluntForceTrauma
          • Feb 2011
          • 3906

          Zach, great to have ya!

          :: 6.5 GRENDEL Deer and Targets :: 6mmARC Targets and Varmints and Deer :: 22 ARC Varmints and Targets

          :: I Drank the Water :: Revelation 21:6 ::


          • #20
            If any of you MN guys want a spotter - let me know!


            • #21
              Welcome to the Horde


              • sneaky one
                • Mar 2011
                • 3077

                Ferch, welcome to the Mn. gang of Grrr. hunter-shooters. With the right bullets- it equals --say, a, .308 lite, 7mm-08 lite or a .260 lite. Pick the distance-find the best bullet for it. It won't let you down. It's way cool to hunt , and draw some controversy-using an AR, with a game getting round.- I hunt north of Duluth.,,, the facial reactions are priceless- when I exit the trees-car goes by on the dirt road.--- What the??? is the most common comment. I just sold my fave .308 SS. ruger boltie to my fave bro-inlaw. It was a shooter. My 4 yr. old Grrr rifle is a better machine for me. Lock @ load, time to hold up a ? grog of morth-beer -etc/ in honor of the Grrr,'s designer- B. Alexander. This caliber is awesome, thanks Bill. I can't say too much more- or-LR1955 might squash my claims. Hee-hee. He's been nice lately. S1


                • #23
                  Shot my deer last weekend with a Grendel! The entry wound was the size of a pencil and the exit wound was about 2". Just missed the heart, but passed through both lungs and the buck dropped about 20 yards from where he was hit. I know it may not have been optimal, but I used the Hornady 123g AMAX. I had some handloads with better hunting bullets ready, but I was zeroed for the AMAX - it seemed to work pretty well to me.


                  • sneaky one
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 3077

                    Nice job-pics?


                    • #25
                      Sorry, I didn't take pics, and also sorry for not checking the thread!

