Brake or Compensator???

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  • Brake or Compensator???

    So I'm looking at a muzzle device for a 5.56 upper I am putting back together. Specifically, I'm most interested in the griffin armament brake, or their compensator.

    Recoil on a 5.56 is minimal as is, so I'm mostly interested in keeping the muzzle flat. Still, reducing recoil in turn reduces muzzle rise. I wonder, how much difference would there be between the two devices in this regard? Would the compensator have a negative effect, as in muzzle drop?

    I do favor the large baffle style brakes though, especially from the perspective of cleaning. It's easier to keep the muzzle clean if it's exposed through a large baffle. That way I could better avoid carbon buildup.

    Still, a quiet muzzle device is friendlier to other shooters. I haven't written the WCI off entirely either. I have one on one of my other uppers, and it's very effective.

    I'm leaning towards the brake, but still unsure.

    Next is the question of irons. I'm thinking simple, cheap, fliperoo ones. The front will be rail height.

    What say you?

  • #2
    I just put a Bravo Co. compensator on my 556, it does a good job of keeping recoil flat what little there is.

    The Mod 1 compensator (5.56) was designed to reduce muzzle rise, noise, and lateral pressure. Extended version of the Mod 0.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Whelenon View Post
      I just put a Bravo Co. compensator on my 556, it does a good job of keeping recoil flat what little there is.

      Very interesting/odd. I think I've heard talk of this one in forums, though haven't actually seen it. Is it new? I'm going to have to research this one.

      I was looking at


      Now I have to give more thought to the BCM.


      • #4
        I highly recommend one of these. Mine is just like the one show center on his web site. They are made to order to match your barrel and specs. Ross was great to work with and the price is unbelievable.
        I just got this new break the other day from Ross Schuler. He custom machined it to match my barrel OD and gave me the tapper I wanted which was 20deg and drilled the port to .020" over bullet diameter (.284"), and tapped it to match my barrel thread (9/16-24). I was very impressed with his handy work and machining


        • #5
          Thinking about the Carlson Compensator now too.

          I guess my question of muzzle devices was more a matter of how well Brakes reduce muzzle flip compared to compensators, and practically, which of the two types of devices is better for staying on target? I mean, could I expect a baffle brake like that shown above to reduce muzzle climb just as much as a device designed specifically to reduce climb?

          I mean, if I get reduced muzzle climb, with the added benefit of reduced recoil, and an exposed muzzle, then that's what I'd want.

          Right now, my options are wide open. The barrel isn't even threaded yet. I have been giving strong thoughts to giving it a 5/8 thread.

          I'm even entertaining the idea of making my own. I just don't know if it's worth while to do that though. Still, it would help me learn to use the lathe.
          Last edited by Guest; 03-22-2013, 05:59 PM.


          • Buster
            • Mar 2012
            • 344

            I'm running this Black Rain Ordnance unit on my 20" 5.56. TOTALLY satisfied and would not run any thing else on this unit.

