>>the 6arc<<

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  • Kosh65
    • Jan 2021
    • 192

    >>the 6arc<<

  • myrifle
    • Nov 2015
    • 206

    I hit 3200 fps safely in my cz 527 bolt grendel with its 25.4 inch barrel and 85 grain maker trex all copper bullets.

    If I was wanting a 6mm grendel variant. I would drop the cash for the new 6arc howa mini in the stalker version with its carbon stock and then add the oregansmithing hinged floor plate mag system and its 2.450 coal length mag.


    • kmon
      • Feb 2015
      • 2121

      Might find some more info on the Arc on a forum started by the owner of this forum https://6mmarc.com


      • SDguy
        • Oct 2015
        • 372

        I am liking my CZ 527 rebarreled to 6mm ARC in a big way. Although Our goals seem very different as my interest in light bullets has been very minimal at least thus far.

        My goal was to have a CZ 527 chambered for a very capable 6mm deer cartridge. Im not quite a precision rifle kind of a guy though I certainly appreciate an accurate rifle. I have experimented with 80 to 90 grain all copper hunting bullets, 100 grain spire points 103 grain ELDX & 108 grain Berger Elite Hunter. & have more bullets to experiment with. Thus far the 108 grain Elite hunter has performed best for me with little fuss.

        Suppose I question if the 6mm ARC is the cartridge you are wanting. Suppose Id likely consider a slower twist & perhaps a shorter throat for the shorter bullets you are considering. Seems 6ppc may be more so what you are needing for the bullets in your list, Sure you may get by with 6mm ARC & the lighter bullets though diffrent twist rates & throat configuration may likely benefit your bullet considerations.
        Last edited by SDguy; 08-05-2022, 12:47 AM.


        • Lemonaid
          • Feb 2019
          • 1002

          I have a Savage Switchback (Sportsman Warehouse) in 6 ARC. For barrel break in and fire forming brass I chose Hornady 65 V-max and Hornady 105 hpbt both with CFE 223. It did very well with both, some sub 1/2 inch 5 shot groups for each. I did not clean any for the 80 rounds that range session. Very little copper residue when cleaned. This is my new break in method.


          • StoneHendge
            • May 2016
            • 2067

            With 70 grain bullets, I get equal velocity between a 24" 6x45 P-Dogger and an 18" 243 LBC (which has slightly more case capacity than a 6 ARC). Both ARs. That should give you a good reference point on what to expect. I'm a big 6 ARC fan and like it over Grendel, but I'm sticking with the 6x45 for the filthy disease infested rodents. The hassles of ARC in the current environment (brass and powder choices) aren't worth the few extra fps.
            Let's go Brandon!


            • Kosh65
              • Jan 2021
              • 192



              • SDguy
                • Oct 2015
                • 372

                Thus far a bit of fire forming has been involved for me with the 6mm ARC. As I got in to this 6mm ARC brass dried up & 6mm arc ammo was getting pricer & not that available. Think I picked up 7 boxes of factory ammo.Factory ammo did not impress me with any of the loads in my rifle in terms of accuracy.
                Suppose the factory ammo was interesting for comparison for my hand-loads to come.

                I have done a fair bit of fire-forming & forming the likes of 6mmc was actually of interest to me. Lapua 220 Russian brass was readily available. 6.5 Grendel brass was not. So the natural thing for me to do was to pick up a hundred pieces of 220 Russian brass & try fire-forming.

                Well the 220 russian conversion went well enough & produced some fine brass. Some were wondering why a fella would go through all those extra steps to fire-form 220 Russian when the conversion of 6.5 Grendel to 6mm ARC was a 1 step process plus trimming to length. As much as I like having the 6mm ARC brass with the 220 russian head stamp, those who scoffed were on to something.

                Eventually I came across some 6.5 Grendel brass to convert, both Starline & Lapua & both produced some fine 6mm ARC brass as well with a lot less time & effort. As you might guess the Lapua was worth the extra price up front as the quality is simply top notch.

                Point here is, if you should decide do go down this path B4 more brass suppliers have jumped on board with the 6mm ARC - Fire-forming from 6.5 Grendel is not that much extra effort IMHO.

                Look forward to seeing what action you build a 6mm ARC on.
                Last edited by SDguy; 08-07-2022, 09:37 PM.


                • SDguy
                  • Oct 2015
                  • 372

                  IMHOI like being a miser with powder, while giving up relatively little velocity to the 6mm Creedmoor. If long barrel life means much to you 6mm ARC is a clear winner. If low recoil Is seen as an advantage then 6mm ARC could be for you.

                  Though if you are not building your rifle on a Mini action rifle then 6BR or 6 GT may be a better choice from my perspective.


                  • Fess
                    • Jun 2019
                    • 330

                    Kosh, the main argument I have seen for keeping the faster twist is that monolithic bullets seem to open quicker when spun faster. Bullet stability is largely dependent on the RPM's of the bullet, so the speed the bullet is traveling when it leaves the barrel comes into play. The .243AI muzzle velocity is significantly higher than a 6mm ARC, so the ARC will require a faster twist to stabilize the same bullets.
                    If you go with a relatively slow twist barrel, please report back as to its performance, especially with 105's. Thanks


                    • Kosh65
                      • Jan 2021
                      • 192



                      • SDguy
                        • Oct 2015
                        • 372

                        From a Arc Fan boy, Go 6br

                        I have seen similar Delmas come up in the past & unless you are wanting factory ammo the 6mm AEC docen't seem to add up for your situation. If you want barrel life 6BR is looking good If barrel life is not a big concern then 6mm Creedmoor is looking more to your liking. BTW currently 6mm Creedmoor components are easier to acquire.

                        Personally I really prefer the 6mm ARC though our reasoning seems different from my lens.


                        • Kosh65
                          • Jan 2021
                          • 192



                          • LRRPF52
                            Super Moderator
                            • Sep 2014
                            • 8983

                            NRA Basic, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, RSO

                            CCW, CQM, DM, Long Range Rifle Instructor

                            6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks & chamber brushes can be found here:



                            • SDguy
                              • Oct 2015
                              • 372

                              OK, Perhaps I am wrong. It is just that you seem to be looking at altering a .473 bolt face to .441 along with needing a magazine box alteration to get your short action to feed 6mm ARC hopefully reliable.

                              If you are sold on 6mm ARC Id encourage you to find a smoother / more compatible action. Something originally made to feed 7.62x39, 6.5 Grendel or one of the PPC offerings would be a lot more straight forward. Howa mini or CZ 527 actions are the ones that stand out to me though there are certainly others.

                              CZ 527 was my choice, went from 7.62 x 39 to 6.5mm Grendel Then a barrel swap to 6mm ARC. Just hoping to keep your cost in check. Perhaps there is something I am overlooking.

