Predator Tactical Long Range Challenge

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  • Predator Tactical Long Range Challenge

    Well, I guess it's to time to find out what the 6.5 and I can do in a tactical run/gun long range match. So, in December I'll be competing in the Predator Tactical Long Range Challenge match in Texas. Engaging targets at various ranges up to 1100 yards. Should be a lot of fun. Match is held to 60 qualified shooters from around the country and is part of the 2012 Precision Rifle Shooting Series. I'll try to make the horde proud.
    Last edited by Guest; 09-14-2011, 11:00 PM.

  • #2
    Good luck Rick, I know you will do well.


    • #3
      If you don't do well, we want our money back. Oh, that's right, forgot to tell you we'll be betting ...... LOL


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mutt View Post
        If you don't do well, we want our money back. Oh, that's right, forgot to tell you we'll be betting ...... LOL
        No pressure, huh? Guess I better get to practicing.


        • #5
          I couldn't find the rules but is it just for bolt guns? It sort of looked that way but I couldn't tell & maybe no semi would be able to hang with the bolts but still wondering about the rules.



          • #6
            Originally posted by mlmiller1 View Post
            I couldn't find the rules but is it just for bolt guns? It sort of looked that way but I couldn't tell & maybe no semi would be able to hang with the bolts but still wondering about the rules.

            I am not aware of it being just for bolts. I know of at least one semi that will be there. Lol. Final info is supposed to come out next month.


            • #7
              Yep and since you are in Louisiana with me they have commisioned me to seek you out if you dont do well lol. Good luck in your match.



              • #8
                What caliber/rifle will you be using in a match that reaches out to 1100 yards? That is .300WM, 7mm WSM/Mag, .260 Rem, .338 LM territory for sure.


                • #9
                  I had originally planned to see how the Grendel would do but they are making it so arduous to shoot a semi (I would need to have about 20 mags), I'm going to go with a 700 LTR in .308.
                  Sorry guys, really wanted to have some fun with the G.
                  1100 yards is longest distance. Most are going to be closer in.


                  • #10
                    Every practical field match I have seen has at least one or two guys with semi-autos, mainly AR10's. For the match to dictate mag capacity based on WWI rifle specs makes no sense to me, especially since even a modern bolt gun for precision field work will often have bottom metal accommodating 10-rd mags, like the AI's, Badger bottom metal, etc. Maybe if the participants mentioned that more military shooters who are assigned semi-autos in the DMR or sniper duty positions would like to attend and hone their skills on self-loaders, that could sway the organizers.

                    At the Finnish matches, there have been a storm of guys showing up at matches with AR10's over the past few years, where you normally only saw bolt guns before. I've also seen more and more shooters showing up with AR10's and AR15's to matches in the Rocky Mountain region as well. We are in the 21st Century, after all...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by LRRPF52 View Post
                      Every practical field match I have seen has at least one or two guys with semi-autos, mainly AR10's. For the match to dictate mag capacity based on WWI rifle specs makes no sense to me, especially since even a modern bolt gun for precision field work will often have bottom metal accommodating 10-rd mags, like the AI's, Badger bottom metal, etc. Maybe if the participants mentioned that more military shooters who are assigned semi-autos in the DMR or sniper duty positions would like to attend and hone their skills on self-loaders, that could sway the organizers.

                      At the Finnish matches, there have been a storm of guys showing up at matches with AR10's over the past few years, where you normally only saw bolt guns before. I've also seen more and more shooters showing up with AR10's and AR15's to matches in the Rocky Mountain region as well. We are in the 21st Century, after all...
                      Reason posted up- "I don't think XXXX wants any Auto loaders due to multiple transitioning stages with clearing issues and safety respects, one could do it effectively with lots of mags loaded appropriately however this match favors bolt guns and is preferred by the MD. Not saying there is an exclusion just a strong preference at this point."

                      I really wanted to push the Grendel and see what it and I can do. But, it's their match, so if I want to play I gotta do it by the match rules. I'm just not sure what the difference would be between a loaded bolt gun on safety and a semi on safety.


                      • LR1955
                        Super Moderator
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 3365

                        Originally posted by RStewart View Post
                        I had originally planned to see how the Grendel would do but they are making it so arduous to shoot a semi (I would need to have about 20 mags), I'm going to go with a 700 LTR in .308.
                        Sorry guys, really wanted to have some fun with the G.
                        1100 yards is longest distance. Most are going to be closer in.

                        This doesn't make sense. Why would you need up to 20 magazines? The bolt gunners will mostly have five shot repeaters and must reload by hand as well. Or they must need up to 20 magazines as well if their bolt rifle uses a detachable magazine. If you give it a try you will find it faster to hand load a magazine and insert it into the rifle than hand loading five individual rounds into a short action bolt rifle that has an optic further restricting access to the magazine.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LR1955 View Post

                          This doesn't make sense. Why would you need up to 20 magazines? The bolt gunners will mostly have five shot repeaters and must reload by hand as well. Or they must need up to 20 magazines as well if their bolt rifle uses a detachable magazine. If you give it a try you will find it faster to hand load a magazine and insert it into the rifle than hand loading five individual rounds into a short action bolt rifle that has an optic further restricting access to the magazine.

                          The 20 mags is probably a bit of an exaggeration and some frustration on my part. I'm just going off the "one could do it effectively with lots of mags loaded appropriately" comment from them. Most of the folks I have talked with that shoot these use mag loaded rifles, but I'm sure there will be some that use blind mags. I guess it's more disappointment right now than the possible final reality, so bear with me. It's like having your first date and then finding out later your mother is coming along, too. Takes some of the fun out of it.

                          There will be more definitive information as regards COF coming out in October. I have 7 G mags, so once I see what the COF is I'll make a final decision. But, if they are already not wanting semi's, I'm sure I would be under an "eagle eye" shooting mine.

                          I really want to expand my competitive shooting experience, but don't want to have to shoot 3 different calibers to do it.


                          • LR1955
                            Super Moderator
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 3365

                            Originally posted by RStewart View Post
                            The 20 mags is probably a bit of an exaggeration and some frustration on my part. I'm just going off the "one could do it effectively with lots of mags loaded appropriately" comment from them. Most of the folks I have talked with that shoot these use mag loaded rifles, but I'm sure there will be some that use blind mags. I guess it's more disappointment right now than the possible final reality, so bear with me. It's like having your first date and then finding out later your mother is coming along, too. Takes some of the fun out of it.

                            There will be more definitive information as regards COF coming out in October. I have 7 G mags, so once I see what the COF is I'll make a final decision. But, if they are already not wanting semi's, I'm sure I would be under an "eagle eye" shooting mine.

                            I really want to expand my competitive shooting experience, but don't want to have to shoot 3 different calibers to do it.

                            He, he, he. You won't expand your competitive shooting experience without using a couple of different cartridges and rifles. One cartridge and one rifle type won't do well in everything and probably will be such a compromise that it won't really do well in any single thing.

                            With all that said, you would be amazed at how difficult it is to plan, resource, and run a competitive event with a-lot of moving parts such as Three Gun or the type of match you are describing. I have done such things for more than a few years now and they are extremely difficult to get right. In my case this means the event must adequately evaluate performance based on a specific training intent, must maintain individual range regulations and restrictions, must have a scoring system that corresponds with the major training emphasis, must be challenging enough to actually evaluate something while not so challenging that it overwhelms the shooter, must be within the resource constraints of a unit, and finally it must have very efficient through put. No two of these types of 'competitive' events have ever been the same although you find that the scoring methodology is very similar although not identical either.

                            It is a bit easier for a civilian club and range but normally I find that civilians have immense problems defining what it is they are trying to evaluate and as importantly, how to evaluate those things. These can turn into nightmares for competitors as the guys who plan these exercises normally fail to actually rehearse the same to see if what they are demanding can even be done.

                            If you have influence with your club, you may want to do a sanity check on their entire plan.



                            • #15
                              This match is not at my home range. It's part of a series of matches held throughout the country with different COF's and different MD's at each one. I'm not questioning their wisdom in their decision, but this was going to be my first match of this type and I was just looking forward to seeing what I and the 6.5 were capable of. I'm sure other matches I attend in the series may be more semi- friendly.

                              I'm already competitively shooting .223 and 6.5G at 600 yards. I want to be as proficient with those as I can before adding another caliber to the arsenal at some point. And since the G and the .308 have quasi-comparable abilities, I was hoping to get the best of both worlds.

                              As far as setting up and running matches, I have the utmost respect for the people who put them together. It is a labor of love for most who do it and a lot of effort goes into putting on a safe and fun match. We have our Field Precision Rifle matches, but they are not nearly as intricate as the run and gun matches you have been associated with putting on. For having done that, you have my respect.


