2 deer down today with the Grendel!

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  • Taz575
    • Jul 2018
    • 175

    2 deer down today with the Grendel!

    2 deer down.jpg

    Got this 4 pt and the little button buck 3 minutes apart this morning! The 129gr ABLR over 26.5gr of AR Comp is around 2340fps at the muzzle got the job done nicely.

    When I made the 30yd walk from my car to my blind this morning, I saw that a stupid buck had recently made a scrape 10yds from my blind. dumbbuck.jpg I dumped some estrous in the scrape to see what would happen and sat in the blind, prepared to sit all day. I was in the blind at 545am, and had to sit until 615 for legal hunting time.

    When it got lighter, around 720am, there was no action yet, so I took a pic from my blind of where the scrape was and posted it online. After I posted the pic, I looked up and the idiot deer was standing broadside to me, looking at the blind, 25 yds away! It was the same buck I saw last week on opening day that I didn't have a good shot on! I froze and slowly brought the gun around and got the safety off. I waited until he moved in line with a huge pine tree and got the rifle up and out one of the corner windows of the blind. As soon as the neck got past the tree, wham, neck shot at 17 yds, DRT. Sweet! Buck down! A couple minutes later, when I was on the phone home to have my Dad bring the truck down, I see a smaller deer come out from the swamp about 100 yds away. I hang up on my parents after saying, "hey, here comes another deer, I'll call back" and bring the rifle up again, but I was at 2.5x and couldn't see if there were antlers or not because he was in some trees. I zoomed in on it at 15x to see if there were antlers or not (In CT, I can take 1 Either Sex and 1 Antlerless) to see if I could shoot, but it took a bit to find him at that power. No antlers and he was looking in my direction and walking right towards where the buck was on the ground. I thought it was a small doe (no antlers) and figured if she was dumb enough to investigate the big Bang, she wouldn't make it through the winter. Neck shot #2, 67yds,wham DRT, bang flop. Called my parents back a minute after I hung up on them to tell them I got a second deer! My co workers have been pestering me for venison (haven't gotten a deer since 2015), so I figured the small, tender one would be nice and tasty for them.

    Checked the deer, both neck shots were complete pass thrus. I dragged the 4 pt to where the other was and when I flipped her over, I saw the "doe" had some "doe nuts"! Checked the head again, no antlers, but the bumps of the antlers could be felt under the hide, so it was an antlerless deer. 2 bucks in 1 day; in past years, I have only gotten 1 deer each year and never 2 in a season and never 2 in a day, much less 3 minutes apart!
  • Double Naught Spy
    • Sep 2013
    • 2646

    Good shooting!

    I have to laugh at your description of the first buck. Whenever somebody tells me that an animal (hog, deer, coyote) is smart, I have come to realize that what they are really saying is that the animal doesn't stand broadside at 25 yards and wait for them to make the shot. So your description of the 'idiot deer' made me laugh.

    I would certainly expect pass thrus on neck shots at those distances, even if you drilled the cervical vertebrae.
    Kill a hog. Save the planet.
    My videos - https://www.youtube.com/user/HornHillRange


    • Frontier Gear
      • Nov 2017
      • 772

      Congratulations! That makes for a really fun day.

      I would certainly expect pass thrus on neck shots at those distances, even if you drilled the cervical vertebrae.
      My last deer (this Sunday) was at ~230 yards with a 123gr SST. The shot passed through both front shoulders, both sets of ribs and both lungs. It was a clean pass though and hit a lot of bone. I found it pretty amazing that;
      1. The bullet held together the entire time and
      2. It still had the energy to penetrate everything at that distance.

      The little 6.5 Grendel is under-rated.
      Engineer, FFL and Pastor


      • LRRPF52
        Super Moderator
        • Sep 2014
        • 8970

        Congrats! So much for being able to spend some time out in nature enjoying the scenery....

        What rifle were you using? Your Howa 20" Heavy Barrel bolt gun?
        NRA Basic, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, RSO

        CCW, CQM, DM, Long Range Rifle Instructor

        6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks & chamber brushes can be found here:



        • Taz575
          • Jul 2018
          • 175

          Yes,the 20" Howa HB in my stiffened factory stock with an Athlon Midas BTR 2.5-15x scope. I still have 4 archery tags, but I dunno if I have enough freezer space! I still have like 24 more days on vacation in 2018...lol. Lots of reloading!


          • 1Shot
            • Feb 2018
            • 781

            Glad you had a good successful hunt. Talking of dumb deer, of course this deer did not know this, but once I was hunting and had my custom Rem 700 25-06 rifle set up on the shooting rest in my shooting house and this buck walks up and stops and I look through the scope without touching the rifle and when he stopped the cross hairs are dead center on his front shoulder at 200 yards. I reach up with my right hand and flip the safety off and squeeze the trigger with out using my left hand on the rifle. BANG FLOP. I told my hunting buddy that this deer committed suicide. LOL Had another funny thing happen once. It was during the rut but my time hunting was coming to a close and I needed the meat. This big doe steps out of the cutover into my shooting lane right at 75 yards away. I have my T/C Contender pistol 14" barrel 30-30AI set up on sand bags on this side of the shooting house. I put a 125 Nosler BT in her high shoulder shot BANG FLOP. It was about 5 minutes before it got too dark to see the cross hairs in the pistol scope but I could still hunt 20 more minutes before legal hunting time ended and could still see well with my rifle scope. I pulled the pistol off the bags and put it away in my holster and was getting ready to get out of the shooting house when all of a sudden my eye catches a little movement across the shooting lane in the opposite direction the doe had come from. I get my rifle up on the bags and out steps this nice 8 pt buck. He walks right up to the doe that is laying on the ground and comes up behind her and sticks his nose right up against her rear end. At that moment I shoot him right between the shoulders with my 25-06 and he drops in his tracks with his nose right against her rear end. I left them laying in this position until my hunting buddy brought the truck . I told him I felt sorry for that buck because he probably thought that stuff hand killed him. LOL


            • Big Dog
              • Oct 2018
              • 21



              • Taz575
                • Jul 2018
                • 175

                Well, the deer snuck up on me twice! I had seen him first opening day on Weds the 14th, I was in my blind and he came in 90 degrees to my left, but I had the shoot thru mesh up on the windows and he was right next to a tree, so when I brought the scope up, I couldn't tell if I had a clear shot or not due to the mesh. When I brought the gun up, it hit something in the blind and he spun around and trotted back into the woods. I tried to use my deer call to get him back, but he wasn't interested. Thurs morning, I put some Doe Estrous on a wick and made some tracks back and forth where I saw him on Weds and then made a trail to a tree and hung the estrous wick up. Sat in the blind Thurs and Friday, nothing moving. Had to work Saturday thru Monday, went back out Tues when I got the 2 deer. When I walked over to where the smaller one one, I saw multiple scraps and piles of poop and hoof prints in the snow between where the 2 deer lay. I dunno if it was good timing or the estrous, but there were like 4 or 5 scrapes that I saw withing 100yds of where I put the estrous out the Thursday before! May go back out with the crossbow and sit closer to the other scrapes.


                • cwlongshot
                  • Mar 2018
                  • 404

                  Good job Tim!!

                  I just posted up my story too!


