Hornady 123 ELD Match and CFE223

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  • xlcc
    • Feb 2016
    • 210

    Hornady 123 ELD Match and CFE223

    This morning was a nice morning to shoot so I headed down to my range by the river.Got my Crony set up and started running some 3 shot groups over it using Hornady 123 gr.ELD Match bullets and some CFE223 powder and Rem 7.5 primers.I did all my shooting at 200 yds.The temperature was sitting right at 32 degrees.My Crony does not like the cold so I would have to warm it up regularly in my truck when I walked down to my target to check it out.My COL was set at 2.310" for my Howa 20"HB.
    Earlier I started some load development with some 123SST's and CFE but ran low on bullets that I needed to hunt with so I continued with the 123ELD's starting at 31grs. and increasing the charge .3 grs. at a time.Average velocity increase was 26fps.At 32.2 grs I reached average 2607 fps with 22fps extreme spread and a 1.25" group.That was the best I could get.I took the charge up to 33.1 grs.,quite compressed and received 2679 fps. with no issues.
    Tommorow I will play around the 32.2 gr. area with slight charge increase and seating depths to double check my shooting.
  • HowaGrendel
    • Sep 2017
    • 99

    try some 120 Sierra BTHP's.....I have the Howa HB also and had one 3 shot group at .087......the Sierra's also kill Deer....


    • grayfox
      • Jan 2017
      • 4514

      My howa HB has a good accuracy node at 31.4 cfe, 2529 ft/sec w/ the SST and Amax. 3/4" even sometimes 1/2"/100 yds. Plenty of punch for what I'm hunting, cxp2's.
      I haven't gone any higher than this load, although there might be room as '52 (and you) are saying.
      "Down the floor, out the door, Go Brandon Go!!!!!"


      • xlcc
        • Feb 2016
        • 210

        Originally posted by grayfox View Post
        My howa HB has a good accuracy node at 31.4 cfe, 2529 ft/sec w/ the SST and Amax. 3/4" even sometimes 1/2"/100 yds. Plenty of punch for what I'm hunting, cxp2's.
        I haven't gone any higher than this load, although there might be room as '52 (and you) are saying.
        Grayfox,what COL are you loading too?


        • grayfox
          • Jan 2017
          • 4514

          I'm using 2.260 for this one. Hornady brass, and cci 450's.
          "Down the floor, out the door, Go Brandon Go!!!!!"


          • xlcc
            • Feb 2016
            • 210

            I have not found the accuracy in my Howa with CFE 223 powder that I am looking for using 123SST or VLD M bullets.I have double checked some loads that looked promising but have not found good repeatability.AA2520 is much more accurate for me.I am going to try some IMR XBR 8208 and see how that performs.


            • Lone Hunter
              • Jan 2017
              • 170

              My Howa didn't shoot too good with CFE223. It was ok but 8208 was by far better. Haven't chronographed the Howa yet but the BHW barrel in my AR shoots 8208 the best also. Would like to try some AA2520 but the 8208 is shooting awful good. The Hornady Black is also extremely accurate in both weapons.

