SHORT THROAT OWNERS--Who's up for chipping in for a reamer to fix our issues?

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  • WildBill3/75

    You do not want to turn a reamer backwards as you run a risk of dulling it.

    I'll be sure to post a "how I did it" when I get this going.

    Right now it just entails;
    1. High sulfur cutting oil
    2. Air compressor to remove cut material
    3. T handle to turn reamer

    I plan on turning the reamer tell it deadstops on the shoulder.


    • #47
      Is there a possibility of starting a fresh thread with a title along the lines of: DIY Throat Adjustments and maybe put it into the Grendel Build-It-Yourself & Custom Builds forum?

      That would both minimize the number of posts one has to read through to discover how to do it and create a more positive title.

      (and yes, at least one of the folks doing the chore will have an Aw-Sh** moment -- it is the nature of the business!)


      • mccuistion

        Originally posted by JASmith View Post
        The sensitivity of this topic means that we have to be very careful with our statements, lest we spark another series of pointless and painful posts.

        Can you expand on this statement? How many barrels were examined? What were the results?

        Remember that at least one chamber cast indicated that there was no compound throat.

        This statement was referring to the question of IF the liberty barrels have a compound throat. I was just stating that the borescope performed showed there was what looked like a compound throat.

        I was deployed and I must have missed a thread including a chamber casting? Was it a casting after the barrel was scrapped?


        • #49
          Originally posted by mccuistion View Post
          This statement was referring to the question of IF the liberty barrels have a compound throat. I was just stating that the borescope performed showed there was what looked like a compound throat.

          I was deployed and I must have missed a thread including a chamber casting? Was it a casting after the barrel was scrapped?
          Did you personally do the inspection, or did you personally talk to the person who examined the throat, or are you partly parroting third hand half-quotes?

          Are you asking about "scrapped" as in tossed out, or "scraped" referring to an undefined "adjustment to a chamber"? The threads containing the casting image are still in the database and accessible. You are welcome to find them. If I recall correctly they are less than 60 days old, but may have been closed -- they are quite lengthy and repetitious.

          As for the first part of the question, had one done any reasonable read-through it would be obvious that NO-ONE has claimed or hinted that ALL Liberty or AR Stoner barrels are or were out of spec. What is true is that the symptoms suggest that a significant number came out of the shop that way.

          This means that a fair fraction WILL show the compound throat, and a number won't.

          Is there a reason we seem to have trouble understanding this issue and bringing it up again every two weeks or so?


          • NugginFutz
            • Aug 2013
            • 2622

            Originally posted by mccuistion View Post
            This statement was referring to the question of IF the liberty barrels have a compound throat. I was just stating that the borescope performed showed there was what looked like a compound throat.

            I was deployed and I must have missed a thread including a chamber casting? Was it a casting after the barrel was scrapped?
            Well, since you were deployed, there has been no shortage of static to sift through. Here is the link to the thread where the pictures of the castings are. If you can see a compound throat, please show me. I can only detect a possible shadow, well into the rifling, at the roughly the location where the PF barrel's compound throat is clearly visible. It is an unfired, unscraped chamber.

            (Search is your friend)
            If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?


            • mccuistion

              Originally posted by JASmith View Post
              Did you personally do the inspection, or did you personally talk to the person who examined the throat, or are you partly parroting third hand half-quotes?

              Are you asking about "scrapped" as in tossed out, or "scraped" referring to an undefined "adjustment to a chamber"? The threads containing the casting image are still in the database and accessible. You are welcome to find them. If I recall correctly they are less than 60 days old, but may have been closed -- they are quite lengthy and repetitious.

              If looking at a borescope picture of a throat with a caption that says "this is the liberty compound throat" is parroting third hand half-quotes then yes. Come to think of it... expressing the findings of the chamber casting would be parroting half-quotes also then, right? both instances examined one barrel and got conflicting results. "Scrapped" was a mistype, I was trying to ask if the cast was performed after Saturns "fix" was implemented because I would like to see a cast of that also.

              I don't appreciate your hostility. However, I understand why there is this attitude towards any conversation regarding these barrels after the last several months events. At this point there is no dead horse left to continue beating.

              Originally posted by JASmith View Post
              As for the first part of the question, had one done any reasonable read-through it would be obvious that NO-ONE has claimed or hinted that ALL Liberty or AR Stoner barrels are or were out of spec. What is true is that the symptoms suggest that a significant number came out of the shop that way.

              This means that a fair fraction WILL show the compound throat, and a number won't.

              Is there a reason we seem to have trouble understanding this issue and bringing it up again every two weeks or so?
              I have no idea what this comment is in response to... I didn't bring any of that up and don't intend on arguing with you over it, too many useless posts have already been devoted to the subject. The question was asked if the barrels have compound throats and I answered based on my experience and the barrel I received.

              If I was asked the same question again, even after seeing the chamber castings, I would answer it the same way. If a company makes a barrel with the intention of giving it a compound throat, then those barrels have a compound throat; If a reamer gets dull and doesn't properly cut the throat that is a factory defect.

              Maybe I misunderstood him, either way i'm over it and would like to focus on fixing my barrel not nit-picking other contributors.


              • BluntForceTrauma
                • Feb 2011
                • 3906

                WildBill updated his original post that he ordered a reamer. Those who want to work with him on it, please contact him privately. If there are no more comments on the original post, I'll close this thread.

                :: 6.5 GRENDEL Deer and Targets :: 6mmARC Targets and Varmints and Deer :: 22 ARC Varmints and Targets

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