2nd Amendment Support

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  • 2nd Amendment Support

    What is the safest way to make an online "private party" purchase?

    I rarely buy online b/c fortunately, I am blessed to have several exceptional local gun shops in my area. Normally, I have these guys order anything they don't have in stock b/c I like to support local business.

    I have just recently started my first Grendel build and have had a hard time buying from individuals online. I didn't know until recently of PayPal 's lack of 2nd amendment support. I don't want to support PayPal but I do want to make safe, protected purchases.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


  • #2
    welcome, jon. what part of georgia are you from? If you are making a private transaction, theres no way to know for sure, but you can ask for verifiable references, ie, names you can actually locate in a directory that have a physical address, not a po box, and people that you can physically contact. If any seller doesnt want to give you that, no deal. Sounds like a lot of trouble, but there are some screwballs out there. Hope this helps.


    • #3
      Thanks. Definitely helps. I'm in Gainesville, how about u?

