My official apology.

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  • My official apology.

    Last edited by Guest; 09-16-2011, 06:46 AM.
  • Bill Alexander

    No harm done and no need for the appology.

    Your intentions are clearly good and the impersonal nature of communication on the internet masked this.


    • bwaites
      • Mar 2011
      • 4445

      I agree with Mr. Alexander's comment. No real harm. I understood the intent of the post, and I certainly agree it got out of hand. All is well!


      • #4
        I can't say I agree with you shooting your own pets to put them down. I am a believer in using sedation followed by a lethal injection when it comes to the end of a pet's life. I have too much love and respect for my pets to violently ventilate one of them.

        As far as your drug dealing neighbor's attack dogs, I understand where you are coming from on that one....and I understand how your comments stirred things up. Your own safety and your family's safety is in jeopardy with a neighbor like that. Inform the proper authorities, take pictures of the emaciated dogs, contact the humane society.....get people involved!!!


        • bwaites
          • Mar 2011
          • 4445

          Ok, lets not get into the "proper way to put down pets" thing. That is an individual and personal decision. There is no consenses on the "right" way to do it, regardless if any one of us has any particular feelings. That thread belongs on some pet thread, not on the Grendel forum.



          • #6
            The apology was well written, heartfelt, and sincere. The writer's techniques for putting down HIS pets are personal business.

            I don't see any reason to debate them on this forum.


            • #7
              Originally posted by bwaites View Post
              Ok, lets not get into the "proper way to put down pets" thing. That is an individual and personal decision. There is no consenses on the "right" way to do it, regardless if any one of us has any particular feelings. That thread belongs on some pet thread, not on the Grendel forum.

              Originally posted by pappy42 View Post
              The apology was well written, heartfelt, and sincere. The writer's techniques for putting down HIS pets are personal business.

              I don't see any reason to debate them on this forum.
              Both of these about sums it up, IMO.


              • RangerRick

                On a lighter note, a friend of mine would take family pets out in the woods when the time came to put them down. When the kids were younger he and his wife would say "I think it's time to take Buster for a walk in the woods." That way the kids didn't get upset.

                As they got older the kids started to notice the pets didn't come back from these walks.

                When I was over there one time I asked "Where's Buster?" One of the kids said "He went for a walk in the woods with Dad." Then she said, "If you get sick, don't go in the woods with Dad!"


                • PumpActionJackson

                  no harm no foul buddy


                  • #10
                    I grew up in the country. You raised your own animals, took care of your own animals, and when it was time, you put your own animals down. I didn't think my dad was being mean to me by teaching me this, he just explained to me that this is the way life is. To this day I still do it the same way. Oh and for all the bleeding hearts, to many of y'all city folks bring your dogs and cats out here and just turn 'em loose. So when they start packing up I get the .221 fireball out or the Grendel. Gotta thin the herd cuz that interferes with my rabbit, turkey and quail population. Cats are hell on them. Not to mention I hate having a pack a dogs run by me while I'm deer hunting. Oh and I'm not really sorry if I hurt anyone's's just it is what it is.


                    • #11
                      Dang, so much sensitivity. I'm a brain surgeon. I deal with people dying, and with their families mourning. You have nothing to apologize for. Life is hard, and then you die. You care for the life, and you care for the suffering, and you deal with it the best way that you can and understand. The fact that you care is enough in this world where someone will decapitate you at first chance if you don't believe what they do.

