I've also posted on this over in another forum, but this is really where it should be. Here's my brass haul from the gong range last week.

It's pretty much always like this, where for 800 yard level shooting, pretty much nobody is running .308 or .223. 6.5 Creedmoor is king (at least for brass left behind), 6.5 Grendel is basically gone now, replaced by 6mmARC (which people I guess consider to be a better long-range gong-pinger, than 6.5 Grendel - which might be true but I still think 6.5 Grendel is the better general purpose do-all round - or I wouldn't be bothering with this).
Note I found a fair amount of 6mm Creedmoor brass as well. Relevance being I always just run 6mm Creedmoor brass through the Mandrel, and tadaa, it's 6.5 Creedmoor again.
So can you do the same with 6mm ARC? The answer directly is no - because they made the headspace shorter. To fit some particular bullet or something, I don't know, but it's super annoying, because the headspace of 6mmARC isn't right for Grendel, and 6.5 Grendel shooters have to basically just throw away all the 6mmARC brass they see, which is the only brass we see anymore - rather than Grendel.
Or do they? Hmm... I have an idea..
Let's anneal it and soften that up

Let's open it up the target diameter of 6mm to the do-all general purpose capable 6.5mm diameter, in two steps, with a small and then a larger 6.5mm Mandrel, in the progressive. And on station 3, I have a 6.8SPC die screwed down only half way, so as to only engage the top 1/2 of the casing. By squeezing it down, will that extrude the shoulder forward a bit, and thus move headspace forward?

Here's what they look like. I'm not too happy on how the 6.8 compression isn't even all the way around the case, but seems to prefer doing just one side. Not sure what's up with that, but it shouldn't actually be a problem, since the 6.5Grendel die resize step should even that back out well enough, and if doesn't - the fireforming sure will.

That brass got worked pretty hard with those steps. What the heck, it's cold outside so the heat's always good to have anyway - so anneal it again.

It's pretty much always like this, where for 800 yard level shooting, pretty much nobody is running .308 or .223. 6.5 Creedmoor is king (at least for brass left behind), 6.5 Grendel is basically gone now, replaced by 6mmARC (which people I guess consider to be a better long-range gong-pinger, than 6.5 Grendel - which might be true but I still think 6.5 Grendel is the better general purpose do-all round - or I wouldn't be bothering with this).
Note I found a fair amount of 6mm Creedmoor brass as well. Relevance being I always just run 6mm Creedmoor brass through the Mandrel, and tadaa, it's 6.5 Creedmoor again.
So can you do the same with 6mm ARC? The answer directly is no - because they made the headspace shorter. To fit some particular bullet or something, I don't know, but it's super annoying, because the headspace of 6mmARC isn't right for Grendel, and 6.5 Grendel shooters have to basically just throw away all the 6mmARC brass they see, which is the only brass we see anymore - rather than Grendel.
Or do they? Hmm... I have an idea..
Let's anneal it and soften that up

Let's open it up the target diameter of 6mm to the do-all general purpose capable 6.5mm diameter, in two steps, with a small and then a larger 6.5mm Mandrel, in the progressive. And on station 3, I have a 6.8SPC die screwed down only half way, so as to only engage the top 1/2 of the casing. By squeezing it down, will that extrude the shoulder forward a bit, and thus move headspace forward?

Here's what they look like. I'm not too happy on how the 6.8 compression isn't even all the way around the case, but seems to prefer doing just one side. Not sure what's up with that, but it shouldn't actually be a problem, since the 6.5Grendel die resize step should even that back out well enough, and if doesn't - the fireforming sure will.

That brass got worked pretty hard with those steps. What the heck, it's cold outside so the heat's always good to have anyway - so anneal it again.
