What him and organizations like the NRA are saying is if you budge and give one bet for instance we agree that we dont need 100 round drums or 30 rd mags is that we are opening the door for them to tell us what else we dont need. Like fully automatic guns. Or assault rifles period. This is not something to budge on. Yes be nice to the senators and representatives. Writing a nasty letter wont get you anywhere. But if we as gun owners budge and start giving them a thread they will grab it and stretch it for miles. Congress has already said the the american people have to right to own weapons, not just handguns, shotguns, or plain rifles with low capacity. Weapons period. I dont think honestly that they will be able to pass anything. That would mean rewriting the constitution which has stood for most of our civilized lives. Do i think they will try? Yes but i dont really see it going anywhere. And if they try by force, once they pick a city to start in because they cant do it everywhere. Word will get round. People will die on both sides civilian, police, military. And even children will be killed. Once they do that and you have all the senseless death and they realize america will not be disarmed willingly i dont think they would press the issue. They dont want a public bloodbath as bad at that. Just my thoughts.