sonic cleaner

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  • hill.brandonj

    sonic cleaner

    okay so it seems I'm getting a sonic cleaner .father in law pushing me towards the franklin arsenal .small version . thumbs up .down. ???

  • #2
    De-prime the brass first and rinse thoroughly! If you get any cases with Pink splotches on them they will not be suitable for reloading. I kept my sonic cleaner for cleaning my BCG's and other small gun parts, but ended up giving it away. CRC Breakleen still does a better job at cleaning my gun parts.
    Last edited by Guest; 07-07-2012, 10:58 PM.


    • #3
      for cleaning brass, I would use vibratory with corn cob media. when it becomes very dry and dusty, add small amount of brasso and tumble empty to distribute. ive been doing this for 20+ years and yet to have any failed casings. I know of one batch of FC .308 brass that has 9 loadings on it and 7mm mag brass with 6 loadings. just my 2cents.


      • hill.brandonj

        i was thinking vibe myself .father in law set on this sonic thing . any upside to out?

