Spreadsheet of maximum loads for 6.5 Grendel from reliable sources

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  • jeffreybehr
    • Dec 2016
    • 29

    Spreadsheet of maximum loads for 6.5 Grendel from reliable sources

    I've compiled an Excel spreadsheet of maximum loads for bullet weights of 95g. thru 130g.. I pulled these from Lyman 50, Nosler 8, Hornady 10, and Berger 1 manuals plus one tabulation in LoadData.com, and I included only the fastest-several loads from each manual's section. (I am NOT interested in in medium- or lower-velocity loads from any of these sources.) I listed each manual's barrel length and, so that I could compare more fairly these results, I then converted those velocities to those from a 20" barrel using Berger's statement that shorter barrels will lose about 17FPS per inch. I then sequenced the loads in descending order of 20"-barrel velocities. I also tabulated each occurrence of a particular power and summed those. From the 50 loads, the most-frequent powders were A2520 with 7 loads; BLC2 with 5; Benchmark and TAC with 4 each; and W748 and CFE223 with 3 each.

    FWIW, I calculated the average of velocities listed by bullet. Using the 20"-barrel data, the 95g. bullets averaged 2769FPS; the 100s, 2738; the 120s, 2460; the 123s and 120-123s, 2493; the 123-125s, 2363; and the 129s and 129-130s, 2387FPS.

    If you'd like a copy, e-mail me at jeffreybehr(at)cox(dot)net with your request; include something like '6.5 Grendel load data' in the subject line or I'll double-delete the message without opening it.
    Last edited by jeffreybehr; 12-06-2016, 01:39 AM.
    A shootist and reloadist for more than 50 years, this year with black rifles.
  • LRRPF52
    Super Moderator
    • Sep 2014
    • 8990

    We have hundreds of loads published in the 6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks, with speeds from 14.5"-24" barrels included.

    There is also a velocity estimator graph you can use to get a good idea of what one load might register as in another barrel length.

    A good reference for calculating the specifics of barrel length, charge weight, and bullet weight changes from one to the other is: http://shootersnotes.com/Vel65Gren.php

    The data in the reloading handbooks comes from AA, Lapua/Vihtavuori, Hodgdon's, Western Powders, and from forum members that has been analyzed and/or pressure-tested.

    95gr bullets from an 18" barrel under CFE will do 2790fps at 50ksi.
    129gr Nosler ABLR will do 2410fps from the same barrel with CFE at 50ksi.

    With CFE and a 123gr from a 20", you can get 2600fps and still be at 50ksi in many barrels.

    I was able to get over 2500fps with CFE and 123gr from a 16", and still be at 50ksi.

    LVR is another good powder for velocity in 6.5 Grendel.

    The rule for velocity per inch of barrel length is a curve, not linear, so as barrels get longer, the increase in fps isn't as much and flattens out.

    Last edited by LRRPF52; 12-06-2016, 10:29 PM.
    NRA Basic, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, RSO

    CCW, CQM, DM, Long Range Rifle Instructor

    6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks & chamber brushes can be found here:



    • jeffreybehr
      • Dec 2016
      • 29

      Originally posted by LRRPF52 View Post
      We have hundreds of loads published in the 6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks, with speeds from 16"-24" barrels included.

      There is also a velocity estimator graph you can use to get a good idea of what one load might register as in another barrel length.

      A good reference for calculating the specifics of barrel length, charge weight, and bullet weight changes from one to the other is: http://shootersnotes.com/Vel65Gren.php

      The data in the reloading handbooks comes from AA, Lapua/Vihtavuori, Hodgdon's, Western Powders, and from forum members that has been analyzed and/or pressure-tested.

      95gr bullets from an 18" barrel under CFE will do 2790fps at 50ksi.
      129gr Nosler ABLR will do 2410fps from the same barrel with CFE at 50ksi.

      With CFE and a 123gr from a 20", you can get 2600fps and still be at 50ksi in many barrels.

      I was able to get over 2500fps with CFE and 123gr from a 16", and still be at 50ksi.

      LVR is another good powder for velocity in 6.5 Grendel.

      The rule for velocity per inch of barrel length is a curve, not linear, so as barrels get longer, the increase in fps isn't as much and flattens out.

      How about a link to that reloading data? I couldn't find it last nite.

      Also, I'm confident there are more-scientific methods to calculate velocity increases and decreases due to barrel-length change, but using a fixed amount per inch-change is plenty good enough for my purposes.

      Haven't seen 'LVR' used by any of the manuals I looked at.
      A shootist and reloadist for more than 50 years, this year with black rifles.


      • JASmith
        • Sep 2014
        • 1643

        Originally posted by jeffreybehr View Post
        ...Haven't seen 'LVR' used by any of the manuals I looked at.
        Pick up a copy of the 6.5 Grendel Reloading Manual Vol 1 and Vol 2 and you will find some loads for 'LVR'

        There's also a small pile of them on the Grendel page of Ammoguide.com

        "To those who have fought and almost died for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know."
        -- Author Unknown

        "If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished!" -- Milton Berle


        • jeffreybehr
          • Dec 2016
          • 29

          Originally posted by JASmith View Post
          Pick up a copy of the 6.5 Grendel Reloading Manual Vol 1 and Vol 2 and you will find some loads for 'LVR'

          There's also a small pile of them on the Grendel page of Ammoguide.com

          LINKS are really useful when pointed at something on the site.

          Detail in Ammoguide.com apparently requires $22/year.
          A shootist and reloadist for more than 50 years, this year with black rifles.


          • rabiddawg
            • Feb 2013
            • 1664

            LOL, see my sig

            I'm not gonna go gets links either but will offer this.

            The handbooks are available from arbuildbox.com or you can go to the industry partners section of this forum and select the thread title

            There is also a reloading section of this forum with numerous sticky threads at the top of the page.
            Last edited by rabiddawg; 12-07-2016, 10:29 AM.
            Knowing everthing isnt as important as knowing where to find it.

            Mark Twain



            • LRRPF52
              Super Moderator
              • Sep 2014
              • 8990


              There are literally years of research and work put into the 6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks, to include collaboration with various industry sources including AA, Lapua/Vihtavuori, Hodgdon's, Western Powders, etc.

              While the large volume books include sections on different cartridges, these are the only ones specifically focused on 6.5 Grendel, and include a lot more than load data.
              NRA Basic, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, RSO

              CCW, CQM, DM, Long Range Rifle Instructor

              6.5 Grendel Reloading Handbooks & chamber brushes can be found here:



              • jeffreybehr
                • Dec 2016
                • 29

                Originally posted by lrrpf52 View Post

                there are literally years of research and work put into the 6.5 grendel reloading handbooks, to include collaboration with various industry sources including aa, lapua/vihtavuori, hodgdon's, western powders, etc.

                While the large volume books include sections on different cartridges, these are the only ones specifically focused on 6.5 grendel, and include a lot more than load data.
                Thank you very much.
                Last edited by jeffreybehr; 12-08-2016, 08:44 PM.
                A shootist and reloadist for more than 50 years, this year with black rifles.


                • wganz
                  • Apr 2015
                  • 32

                  Originally posted by jeffreybehr View Post
                  Do appreciate the linkage.


                  • jeffreybehr
                    • Dec 2016
                    • 29

                    I have a new edition available, having added some loads from Alexander Arms and a dozen loads for the Sierra 107g. MK. I've sent the new one to all those who have already requested the SS.

                    If you want a copy, e-mail me at jeffreybehr(at)cox(dot)net with something like '6.5 Grendel spreadsheet' in the Subject line and I'll send it.

                    This now includes loads from Lyman50, Hodgdon16, Accurate, an issue of 'The Rifle' thru LoadData.com, Berger1, Hornady10, AlexanderArms, and Nosler8. All test-result velocities from barrels other than 20"ers were converted to 20" velocities using Berger's recommendation of 17FPS per inch, and all loads for a particular bullet weight are sequenced in decreasing converted velocities. Some bullet weights are indicated in ranges such as 100g. - 103g. because the source data are so labeled.

                    I did buy the '...Handbook Volume 1' pictured above. It arrived VERY quickly and contains lots of useful info. I recommend it.
                    A shootist and reloadist for more than 50 years, this year with black rifles.


                    • BluntForceTrauma
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 3915

                      Good stuff, JB. Been wanting 107SMK data. Thanks for pulling this together!
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